
 Birthname Savana "Sav" Tanzanite
 Nickname(s): Sav, Savvy
Age:  28
Height: 3ft (in heels) 2ft 8inch (sonic) 
Species: Panther
Eye colour: Light blue with red around the outer iris. Usually wears coloured contact lenses; blue with a pink star
Fur colour: Hot purple
Hair colour: Royal/Sky blue with hot purple streaks (her hair is dyed)
Body type: Muscular/Lean
 Markings/Tattoos: 2 purple stars on her left, just below her belly button, a skull on her right arm, outer bicep, with 4 gold rings wrapping around her bicep around the skull. A pink neon star on her right but cheek and a treble clef tattoo on her right outer thigh.
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Musician/Producer- Her go to instruments tend to be guitars, and brass instruments, Sav can pick up music instruments quickly and it doesn’t take her long to master them, although she has never been able to perfect Harmonica, much to her annoyance!
Music Tutor/Talent Scout - Takes on music students and up and comings
Wrestler - Appears when she’s billed as part of the Mobian Wrestling Federation, part time. Known on the Wrestling Scene as “Punk Rock Panther” Savana Slaughter or previously 'Lady Slaughter'

Main Theme Song: Beautiful Dangerous by Slash ft. Fergie
Life/Backstory Theme Song: Witch by Seer 
Lady Slaughter Ring Entrance Music: Cut Throat by Kittie
Savana Slaughter Ring Entrance Music: Unstoppable by Eva Under Fire

Skills: Powerful vocal cords, very good hand to hand combat, super strength, keen hearing, cat-like reflexes.

Weaknesses: Poor eyesight from constant stage light dazzling, easily distracted, headstrong, cocky, not at all book-smart, gullible.


Acoustikinesis:  The ability to manipulate sound and sound waves. Sav has the ability to manipulate sound waves surrounding her, increasing or decreasing the frequencies, pitch, tone etc, thus, enabling her to shatter fragile objects change the volume of sounds around her, and can cause headaches in those in close proximity.  
Requires constitution/concentration roll each turn to maintain.

Silence - concentration, somatic spell/ability (Sav pinches her fingers together in a shushing motion to activate this ability)
* 15 meter Radius | 30 Diameter
0 m - 15m - total silence, people are unable to speak or make any sound at all, they cannot be heard at all
15m - 25m - very muffled sounds can be heard but nothing decipherable
-2 to hearing checks
25m - 30m - sounds can be heard quietly, those trying to listen must concentrate to hear what sounds are being made
-1 to hearing checks

Amplify - concentration, somatic spell/ability (Sav turns her hand and wrist in the air as if she were turning up the dial of a radio to activate this ability)
0 m - 5m - All sounds in this area are ear splitting and glass shattering-ly loud,, those in the area must make  a CON save else take 2d4 damage and upon a critical failure, they may rupture their ear drums and may be deafened. Making more sounds in this specific area while the ability is active will cause the CON save to be done again due to more painful sounds added to the amplified noise. Those in this danger zone must cover their ears for the duration or move away from Savana.
* 2D4 damage if fail CON save
5m - 15m - All sounds in this area are very loud and those in the area must make a CON save else take 1d4 damage and will cover their ears for the next turn, or try to move away.
* 1D4 damage if fail CON save
15m - 30m - At this point, those in this area do not need to cover their ears but must make a CON save else they are unable to concentrate for the round
* No damage but roll CON to focus on own actions

Pitch Shift - concentration, somatic spell/ability (Sav moves her hand up and down as if she were raising or lowering level sliders of an audio interface to activate this ability)
*5 meter Radius | 10 meter Diameter
Savana hones in on a specific sound, be it her or someone speaking, ambient sound or music and changes the pitch of the sound. Often this ability is used for deception, changing voices.          Also, it means Sav could legitimately sing Nightcore. You're welcome  

Tinnitus -  lasts for 2 turns - somatic spell/ability (Sav claps her hands together to activate this ability)
*10 meter Diameter
* Causes those around her to have a ringing in their ears for only 1 minute, lessening after 30 seconds.
Those around Sav in a 10 meter diameter for the duration cannot make concentration spells due to the ringing in their ears and  for the next 2 turns must make a CON save. Upon a failed save, they take 1d4 damage and are left with a headache and difficulty in concentrating
* 1D4 damage if fail CON save.

Brown-Note - somatic spell/ability (Sav blows raspberries and swirls her finger round in a downward motion whilst pointing at her target to activate this ability/attack)
*Savana manipulates the frequencies around her target and they then must made a CON save or they will empty their bowels into their undergarments.

Panther Roar; A loud, ear-splitting, sonic boom roar which throws small individuals back and stuns larger foes/people. When used with her Acoustikenisis, Savana is able to cause a huge super sonic boom and can deafen those around her as well as shake the earth and in some cases even cause minor earth cracks and quakes, much like Manic and his drumkit from Sonic underground.
* 15 meter Radius | 30 Diameter  ft without medallion
* 30 meters Radius |  60 Diameter with medallion.  |  Can only be used once per Event
* Stun lasts for 1 minute. (1 turn)
* Causes those around her and those she's using it on to have a ringing in their ears for 5 to 10 minutes.


Feral: During particularly gruelling battles, Sav is able to tap into her Feral, instinctual panther self. Her body will bulk out slightly with muscle, her fur darkens and her claws will also grow and sharpen. She loses all Acoustikinesis powers whilst in Feral form but instead gains strength and speed.
+2 Dex
+2 Strength (+2 with passive)
- 1 Intelligence (-2 with passive)
- 1 Wisdom
- 1 Charisma

Ferocious Feral;  When overcome with emotions, Ferocious Feral Panther form will make itself  known. Much like Feral form, Savana is more bulked out and reckless in her attacks however this form is fully instinctual and brutal and stronger even still. Savana will become rabid, untameable and dangerous, attacking anyone that gets in her way.  Savana blacks out at the end of a Ferocious Episodes and often is not aware of the incidents that took place just before and during these episodes.
+3 Dex
+3 Strength (+2 with passive)
- 4 Intelligence (-2 with passive)
- 4 Wisdom
- 4 Charisma

Ferocious Feral lasts for 5 minutes, after this point, Savana becomes unconscious.


Weapon of choice: 

Microphone Medallion:  Sav may use an action to activate her microphone Medallion and when she does, a magical microphone manifests in her hand.  It is used to amplify her Panther Roar attack and as another Action, Sav can activate her Microphone Morning Star This is a morning star/mace. It is made of chaos energy, so it is not technically physical.

Kept in hammer space, Savana has a bazooka shaped speaker that blasts out a high bass sonic boom when the trigger is pulled. Those in a 15ft cone around her are knocked prone on the ground and are momentarily deafened with a ringing in their ear. Sav can only use it once or twice a day or else she risks doing her own ears some damage.

Sav has been known to use the blast from her Beat-zooka to help her reach higher up places, by jumping and then shooting the Beat-zooka towards the ground, propelling her up further.

Savana doesn’t like to use conventional weapons to fight and would rather use her fists, legs and her body. She is proficient in a few martial arts but predominately favours the Tinger Style Kung Fu fighting style. Savana takes great pride in keeping her body physically fit and primed, ready for a fight.

During Mobian Wrestling Federation matches where weapons are used, when she is billed as Lady Slaughter, she typically favours the steel chair and as Savana Slaughter, after she is unmasked, she will instead use prop guitars.

Personality:  Sassy, Confident, Hot-headed, Impatient, Charismatic, Easily bored, Protective

Likes: Performing (music or wrestling), listening to music (most kinds), dancing, spicy food and challenging herself with spicy foods, friendly brawls and fights. She's also a sucker for flickies and visits Flickies Islands at least once a year for vacation.

Dislikes: Pretentious-ness, Brats, Silence, Bad Parents, Clutter, Mopeds/Scooters, Waking up Early, Queues, Cold Weather.

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Pet hates: 
Savana: "That awkward moment when someone is walking towards you and you try to move out of their way, but they move the same way and it ends up either in an awkward dance off, waiting to see who walks where, or bumping into each-other.“

Fun Facts: 

  • Savana dyes her fur. Naturally she is all purple. 
  • Sav is ambidextrous.
  •  Sav cannot see very well without her special contact lenses. Her contact lenses were specially made for her;  she has a wide range different pupil shapes which she controls with a watch she keeps hidden under her wrist bands.


Mother - Sahara the Panther
Step-mother - Vex the Panther

Father -  Xeric The Panther
Step-father - Marshal the Panther

Half- brother - Savage The Panther
Half sister - Maxine Tundra The Panther
Step-brother(s) - Fierce The Panther, Rage the Panther
Step- sister - Syn the Panther 



Savana was born the first child to Xeric and Sahara Panther, high school sweethearts. From birth it was clear that the power Sav has been gifted with was Acoustikenisis; her first new-born cries shattered the glass in the birthing room and messed with the frequencies of the machines. This delighted power obsessed Xeric as he believed this gift would produce a powerful panther for his dream of having many powerful children.
Sahara ,however, wanted a normal upbringing for Savana however Xeric wanted to train her early and push her and her powers as well as try to unlock her Feral Panther powers at a young age so that she could learn to hone her Acoustikenisis while in Feral form. This meant letting her cry as a small child and ignoring her cries, dismissing her pain when she injured herself as well as making her wake up extremely early to complete physically demanding exercise routines. Anything less than perfect was never good enough for Xeric and his whole “Panthers should be perfection” motto.

Savana found solace as a child at her pre-school where she became attached to the class guitar, a small beat up 3 / 4 length acoustic guitar. She found love for music and musical instruments and would light up when the children would have “music time”. It is during this time that Savana met her childhood friends; Eclipse, Blossom, Kobi and Lenny. She enjoyed her time away from the pressures of home however, sadly, it wasn’t to last.
Savana had her first Ferocious Feral transformation at the age of 4 when she attacked another student in her class. The classmate smashed the guitar in a fit of rage and this caused Savana’s volatile young mind to snap, as she was very much not in control of her emotions. Xeric believed this to be great news as he felt his training method worked and he planned to push Savana further. Sahara took pity on Savana and her husband Xeric was treating and parenting her and bought Sav her very own first guitar.

Sahara and Xeric relationship grew more strained as time went on and as Sahara and him would disagree, the pair would argue and in the end Xeric ended up having an affair with a Panther woman named Vex. It turned out Sahara already knew of the affair as she had previously had a future sight of him having another child with Vex. Sahara left Xeric after she confronted him about the future and he confessed they had been seeing each other for a year.
From then on, Xeric moved out and in with Vex. Savana saw her Father on the weekends for a long weekend for a little while but Vex soon fell pregnant and had another child, Savage the Panther and for a while after he was born, Sahara refused to let Sav go and see her new little brother. After this, Sahara also quickly moved on from her previous sweetheart and when Savana was 8, Sahara had met and fell in love with another Panther, Marshal, and when Savana was 9, her baby sister, Maxine Tundra, was born. 

She felt forgotten about by Sahara and Marsh when Maxine came along. Although Savana loved her little sister, and her little sister clearly loved her, Savana felt shoved to one side, and the same could be said when Sav stayed with her Father. Xeric was so hell bent on his children being powerful panthers that he would train them rigorously and his new fiancé Vex, the woman he had cheated on Sahara with, also agreed with his thinking and encouraged it more so. When Sav stayed there, she would be forced to brawl with her new soon to be step-brothers and step-sister, Rage, Fierce and Syn. The 3 siblings would often gang up on Savana, and Xeric would only encourage this as he believed it would make her stronger. The only times she enjoyed spending with her Father and new step-family were when they would all crowd round the television together to watch Mobian Wrestling Federation Pay-Per-View events

Savana ran away from both homes at the age of 13 with nothing but her guitar, and decided to rough it with her friends Eclipse the Sun Bear, Blossom the Wasp, Kobi the Lion and Lenny the Wolf. The troubled kids took up residency in an abandoned old house on the outskirts of the city towards the farmlands of Plain ol Pastures. Each member of the group had a different “job” to help feed and clothe the teens and Savana played her part busking around Bristopolis. For Sav’s 15th birthday the group all scrimped and saved enough to get Savana an Electric Guitar.

During her time busking, she noticed a regular listener who would often watch her perform, a much older Hedgehog man who at first she found somewhat creepy. He would put sandwiches and water bottles in her guitar case daily and after a month or so Savana began to feel creeped out by the man's constant visits but he had not done anything wrong so she mostly ignored him. One evening, she packed up her guitar and collected her earnings for the day and began making her way home although she felt like she wasn’t alone. Walking the dimly lit streets she clutched her guitar case into her and shiftily looked round, hearing foot-steps behind her she made a run for it. After a while of running, she ended up at a dead end in a back alley and 2 thugs appeared.
“What’s a pretty little thing like you running around a place like this” one of them smirked. They approached Sav and one of them grabbed her guitar case. Savana let out a loud Panther Roar and the thugs were stunned. She snatched the guitar case off of the thug and went to run past, only for the thug to grab her tail, yanking her back.
“You’ll pay for that, you little shit!” the thug yelled before punching her in the face. Savana let out a glass shattering scream, and the ear-drums of the thug that had punched her burst, blood gushing from his ears. Savana went to run again but at the end of the alley now stood the Mysterious man. In the blink of an eye Sav watched as he dashed towards the thugs, taking them down quickly, grabbing the skull of the already injured thug as he ran past, smashing it into the skull of the other. Savana trembled at the end of the alley, jaw wide open, as the bodies of the two thugs fell lifeless to the floor. The Mysterious Hedgehog got down to Sav’s level and gave her a hug, comforting her and that night he walked her home.

After this incident, Sav felt much more comfortable, and in fact safer, whenever the hedgehog came to watch her busk. She asked him why he’s helping and watching her perform every day. She learned that his name was Zodin, that his family was also broken,  and that she reminded him of someone he used to know. Savana took pity on him, thinking him to be lonely as he was always on his own, never having anyone with him, she warmed up to him and felt like she had found  a kindred spirit. She would often vent to him during their lunch breaks and show off new licks and riffs she had taught herself.
One blustery, quiet afternoon, Zodin appeared as he usually would like clockwork but instead of his usual water and sandwiches he brought with him this time a small bag filled with trinkets, expensive and old looking relics and a glowing microphone charm necklace. He thrust the bag into her hands and placed the necklace around her neck. He told her to sell the trinkets in the bag and move to the big city, to Mobotopia City, and that she’ll go far with a voice and gift like hers. Savana packed up her guitar and her new things and thanked Zodin repeatedly before running back to the house to tell the gang the news. When Savana told the gang what happened and shares out her collections between everyone, everyone seemed excited to move to Mobotopia, to start a new life, to not have to live in the their crumbling old building and they happily began packing what little they had. Savana ran to her room and began packing up, only a small bag. When she was done she remembered her new necklace and touched the microphone charm. At that moment, the microphone charm began to glow brighter and in front of Savana a microphone manifested in the same pink glow as the charm was glowing. Savana instinctively reached out her hand and grabbed the microphone and as she did, the microphone and the charm stopped glowing. Savana realised then that Zodin had given her a magical necklace!  

The next day, while the rest of the gang went to sell their trinkets and relics, Savana went busking as usual after selling her share of the items. She wanted to thank Zodin again and show him the magical properties of the necklace and ask if he knew about it. When the time came that Zodin would arrive, Sav was disappointed to notice that he wasn't there. She continued to play throughout the afternoon but he didn’t show up again. He didn’t show up the following days after that and once the gang had all packed and organised their journey to Mobotopia City, Savana begrudgingly admitted to herself that she wouldn’t be seeing him again. The gang make their way  to Mobotopia and together rent a 2 bedroom apartment, a mansion compared to the abandoned building they once called home!
Savana continues to busk but on the streets of central Mobotopia she is able to make a lot more money and her audiences consistently grow.

When Sav turns 16, she decides that she wants more than just to busk on the streets of Mobotopia City and instead starts lying about her age so that she can perform in bars, clubs and pubs. She meets other music loving people and eventually with her new friends she met she formed her first band, Amaranth Paws. Amaranth Claws were eventually signed with Waddlesworth Records when Sav was 18  and as such the band began performing all around Mobotopia. During this time Savana’s relationship with her housemates she had previously been so close to began to break down. Eclipse, Lenny and Blossom were devastated when Savana told them they couldn’t go on tour with her. They took this as a huge betrayal as they had been through everything together and that they had clubbed together to get Savana her favourite old Electric Guitar, so thought they were owed part of Sav's success, and thought Sav taking Kobi was favouritism because of their relationship although Kobi and Savana split soon after the tour finished.

The band did well for a few years and found success which allowed Sav to meet many other Mobians, as Savana took great pride in meeting fans and Amaranth Claws were much loved around all of Mobotopia. Sadly however, Amaranth Claws disbanded after their 5 year contract with WW Records was up as each member felt that they wanted to go in different directions. She is still in touch with the other members of Amaranth Claws to this day.  
Sav quickly started up her solo career releasing her debut album, titled as her namesake, S-A-V-A-N-A only a couple of months after Amaranth Claws disbanded. She toured around Mobotopia and her debut album was a big success so at aged 23 Savana bought a luxurious yet still humble home in central Mobotopia City. She got back in touch with her family after finding success but Savana likes to keep them all at arm's length, with the exceptions of Maxine and Savage.

Savana began making “anonymous appearances during episodes of ‘Mobian Wrestling Federation’ as “Lady Slaughter”, a masked feline heel who would frequently disrupt matches between fellow female wrestlers. This reached a peak when she sucker punched a newly titled Woman’s Champion, Penny Puma, after she won her new title.
For a while the two’s rivalry would take over the show as a main storyline. Both felines would talk smack back and forth about each other backstage and are billed in tag team matches or fatal 4 way matches vs each other with other wrestlers often letting them handle each other.
The MWF makes out that the identity of Lady Slaughter is completely unknown, although the fans and viewers all speculate it to be Savana the Panther, until Lady Slaughter is unmasked accidentally during a TLC match between Lady Slaughter, Penny Puma and Io. Both Io and Penny are momentarily star struck and break characters which gives Savana the perfect opportunity to strike and pin Penny. From then on, Lady Slaughter is changed and Savana is now billed as Savana Slaughter, AKA “Punk Rock Panther”

For Savana’s 25th birthday she was gifted a one of a kind, custom made Speaker/Weapon from her close friends, tech and weapons experts Niallus and Nova and was made an honorary member of the Mobotopia Guardians although she has technically not yet had her Guardian Team Training.

She now works mostly as a freelance musician, releasing music under her own namesake as well as producing music for other artists or writing music for film and television. When she is not making music, Sav is also occasionally still  billed as “Punk Rock Panther 'Savana Slaughter’' in Mobian Wrestling Federation roster,  making frequent guest appearances and having now taken on a more “face” persona as opposed to Savana Slaughter’s Heel façade. Savana has also began taking on up and coming, passionate musicians, promoting and signing them, helping them break through into the industry as well as music tutoring/mentoring.