Eclipse Serpenza The Sun Bear




Name: Eclipse Austrialis Serpenza

Nickname(s): Lee (ecLEEpse)

Age: 28

Height: 3ft 4

Species: Sun Bear

Fur colour: Dusty Blue

Eye colour: Sky Blue

Hair colour: Same as fur

Body build: Muscular

Job(s): Cafe Waitress, Street Fighter

Theme Song: You're Going Down by Sick Puppies

2nd Theme Song: Falling Away from Me by Korn

Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Skills: Good hand-to-hand combat skills

Weaknesses: Women, Low Stamina, Doesn't know when to stop

Powers: Super Strength, though this is not necessarily a power. 

Weapon of choice: Claws, Whatever she can get her hands on (sticks, bottles etc)

Personality: Headstrong, Brash, Loud-mouth, Ferocious, Confident

Likes: Winning, Drinking, Chaos, Pranks, Girls

Dislikes: Savana and Sav's Family, Losing, "Goody two shoes" , Running

Pet hates: Cute things, she cannot stand cutesie, girly, fluffy things or girls who like that sort of thing.

Family: Orphaned. Blossom and Kobi are like her family


Eclipse was left at a very young age at Mobotopia’s Orphanage. She did not mesh well with the other children and would often fight with the others, disobey the orphanage workers and would frequently sneak out.

She befriended Savana The Panther around the age of 5 and they would often pull pranks together, often vandalising people's cars and property, stealing from stores and stalls and generally causing chaos and mischief. Eclipse had a knack for breaking and picking locks, and was often the brains behind many of the girl’s pranks and plans. When they were 14, the girls decided to break into the military base on the outskirts of Mobotopia City and were to steal weapons and gadgets for their own personal use. However, they were both quickly captured by security, and Savana pinned the blame on Eclipse. Eclipse was subsequently placed in juvenile detention for 1 year.  It was during this time that Savana found her love of music and decided to better herself, unbeknown to Eclipse. When Eclipse left the detention centre, Savana told Eclipse that she wanted nothing more to do with her and this enraged Eclipse. The two began to fight and Eclipse was beaten by Savana, quite badly. Eclipse then vowed that one day she would beat Savana by any means necessary.

As an adult, Eclipse is still on the wrong side of the law, often getting herself involved in petty crimes and is one of the stronger fighters in the underground Mobotopia Fighting Circuit. She wants to find the opportunity to find Savana again and beat her though this is often thwarted by others; she can never seem to find Savana alone.