f2u . guilt by association



3 years, 10 months ago


f2u . guilt by association

moved from main to code account 5/19/2021, old versions may still be attributed to phasmology!

oh jeez this was more popular than i expected it to be


version 1

version 2


  • 01.please do not remove credit, redistribute, or claim as your own
  • 02.frakensteining is fine as long as credit remains intact & it falls in line with any other creator's wishes
  • 03.remember to link to the source of whatever resources you use
  • 04.it's appreciated but not strictly necessary to fav before using!
  • 05.if you need help with anything, feel free to comment! i don't check this account as frequently as my main, so you're welcome to ping phasmology! please note that i block people semi-frequently on my main for my own comfort, if you're blocked from my main you're still welcome to use my codes!

*playlists don't work in the custom previews bc u can't nest carousels whoops but they'll be fine in the actual code

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras dictum, turpis nec ultrices ultricies, dolor nunc bibendum ante, eu malesuada sem diam quis mauris. Ut purus justo, consectetur ac ex in, blandit semper erat. Vestibulum ut justo sit amet augue blandit dictum sed sed dui. Proin dictum venenatis elit id fringilla. Aliquam viverra convallis felis, at tincidunt magna lacinia sed. Quisque ut sem vitae massa viverra molestie.

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