


7 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info




34 [probably? early - mid 30s is my guess]


uguoooghhhgfodghh god do i really want to break out the old wii and look (uopdppppfdohghfhgh)


Cis male (he/him)


Bisexual, but it seems he's much more bold in pursuing the ladies. In fact, he isn't sure if he's particularly sexually interested in men! But he is certainly romantically attracted to some of them.


Essence Builder




Biracial (White and Korean)

Significant Other

Interesting question! Yes, interesting indeed. By "significant other," do you mean "someone he is interested in romantically"? In that case, try as he might, he can't seem to be anything but enchanted by this Sir Vincent Skullfinder fellow. By "significant other," then, do you perhaps mean "someone he has actually been with"? Well, he does not have any romantic partners at the moment, but he has definitely "been with" a couple women in town - DJ Candy and Roxie Road in particular. He can't help it; cute, fun-loving girls are a weakness of his!



Physical Description

Hayvenhurst is a well-dressed man, so there's a strange aura of attractiveness - but also dependable familiarity, there's not much about his look that's NEW so to speak. Of course, until you look at his face and see that candy pastel face paint he's wearing - or is that just an elaborate tattoo? Huh. Either way, he's making it work! It's cute...


He's pleasant, polite, inviting and warm to the people of his town, and to those looking to move in - not to mention unbelievably generous, he dedicates himself entirely to his work. Hayvenhurst has been known to forego several nights of sleep to get particularly big projects done, and it doesn't seem to wear him down much in the long run, he's just happy to make his neighbors happy! Though it seems there is an expected pattern of conversation he's got in his head of "Greeting => Discussion of a building job => Do job => Give product to commissioner => Happy person!", and deviations in that process throw him for a loop. For example, when asked to design his own sculptures for the Skullfinder Museum, he found himself quite stressed out, even frustrated with the project because it demanded excellence from a different part of his brain that, in his opinion, is not where most of his work comes from - the creative part. He thinks most comfortably in absolutes, not in abstraction... This just makes you wonder, though, what kind of person is he when he's put in a situation in which none of his scripts and expected behavior patterns can be put to use? [He is a very excitable, frightened person; he thrives in familiarity partly due to autism that never got diagnosed because his social skills - or rather, mimicry of social skills - were just good enough for him to be considered allistic.] That aside, though, what matters is who he really is: a kind, warm person who will do anything for the town he cares about... And a bit of a womanizer, it seems! Service, above all, is his specialty, you know. Ohohoho.


... Huh. You know, we've never really thought about that. [wip - probably something freaky and lovecraftian happened here]


Spooky aesthetics, Studious aesthetics, fancy alcoholic beverages, tea parties, reading, the people of Torissanal Town, being of service to others (whether by using his building skills, or... Well... You know, being of service to women in need <3), cute girls, antique furniture, sleeping!!!!, Vincent and his adorable museum, and... You know! A lot of stuff! He's not hard to please.


Seeing townspeople bully one another, Tasty aesthetics (aside from the cute cake ones!), egregiously loud noises and loud music, the fact that he Can't Make Every Essence Grow On Trees, the slow process of prospecting, his own unwieldy telekinetic abilities - particularly when he's been working for too long... Typical annoying things.


Dependability, masterful mimicry of proper social skills, telekinesis [even if not TOTALLY reliable telekinesis...] [fucking wiimote], a charming personality, strong grasp of logic and absolutes, an unreasonably mighty work ethic


Very little preparation for what to do if his mimicry fails, a tendency to overwork himself and not take enough care of himself mentally and physically, frustration with and weak grasp of abstraction and creativity beyond architectural creativity


MySims, Gardenscapes/Homescapes

Theme Song


Extra/Associated Tarot Card

He's actually much older than this year, I've just remade him on my new Wii and so I'm interested in him again. // Ace of Pentacles



The enigmatic Essence Builder of Torissanal Town is quite the marvel, isn't he? Still managing to be pleasant and inviting, even after he's disappeared into his workshop for days on end... Well, he works hard, and he loves his town - clearly he must, if he puts in all that work - so who are we to complain? And his telekinetic abilities that he uses to build are something to behold - the only materials he really needs to gather are essences! It's like he's got an infinite amount of wood, and he doesn't even need glue or nails to adhere the wood together! It's amazing...