Kimiko Kodaka



3 years, 11 months ago


5'4 (5'7 with heels)

Kimiko Kodaka is, in short, a bitch.
...ok there's a lot more to her than that but I could write a five page paper about this so I'm trying to keep it concise.

Originally designed to personify the Danganronpa fandom, Kimiko has extremely unhealthy levels of distrust. In order to cope with the world she believes to be cruel and full of untrustworthy people, she laughs away her problems, psychoanalyzes everyone she meets, refuses to befriend anyone without months of prior interaction, and puts on an appearance of aloof sadism to appear untouchable. Honestly, by now she's even fooled herself. Kimiko likes to consider herself an agent of chaos, making use of her observational skills and insight to pick apart the inner workings of the people around her. She’s loud in every sense, many times looking to be the center of attention, and yet most people will find that when they stop and think about it. They know her, but what do they know ABOUT her? Fears? Aspirations? Insecurities? She has a real talent for saying so much while revealing so little.

Kimiko's masochism borders on self destructive in spite of her crippling paranoia, finding joy in poking at sleeping bears and taunting everyone around her. She goes back and forth between joking about how great she knows she is, and joking about being disgusting trash. Her qp partner Marcel does his best to ground her, and she tries her best to help him through his own issues. They've no doubt kept each other alive and out of prison.

It isn’t all total bullcrap though. You have to give her credit for her wit and keen attention to detail. She isn’t a perfect jack of all trades, but she gets pretty damn close with how quickly she can pick up the basics of something when needed. Just play your cards right (and don’t play her in poker unless you can afford to lose the cash) and you have a surprisingly thoughtful friend who’ll offer help when you least expect it.