Marcel Ghost



3 years, 11 months ago


6’7 to Kimiko’s 5’4. Whew.

Not exactly a conversationalist. At a glance, Marcel is a mystery wrapped up in an enigma, guarded by an overbearing physique, a mask, and a gremlin of a best friend. But once you get to know him, you can find a few ways to understand what might be going through his head. Body language, breathing patterns, etc. He’s cryptic on purpose, but at the end of the day wants people to be able to tell when he’s getting sick of their shit BEFORE he resorts to putting a crater in their skull. 

He's rather reserved...until you piss him off, which is thankfully easier said than done. Despite pent up his violent urges bordering on outright sadism, self control and S rank anxiety keep him from blowing up on people all the time. For the most part he just silently shadows Kimiko (his qp partner) and tries to keep her from getting herself hurt.
In turn, Kimiko tries to make him eat something besides meat and sugar for once in his life, because his sense of self care is nearly as warped as hers. Nearly. Unlike Kimiko, Marcel is calmly nihilistic as opposed to outright self deprecating.

If he's bothering to hunt you down you've fucked up. And if he actually fights through his reservations about speaking, you're best off just making peace with whatever gods you believe in because death is the best case scenario at that point.
Not that he’s all bad! Just very intense. Usually Marcel makes an effort to be gentle with people and things, afraid of breaking them. He adores cats (especially hairless ones) and stresses out to no end if you hand him a child.
He's mute due to anxiety, and is never seen in public unmasked. Not that that stops him from having a snarky internal monologue and love for NSFW comedy. Can't stress enough, if he's going through the trouble to speak clearly, something has gone very wrong.

He originally was designed as the personification of the OFF fandom, hence the aesthetics, constant presence of a mask, and...general...everything?