05. Klizti Oanuun



3 years, 11 months ago


"The ego is willing but the machine cannot go on. It's the last thing a man will admit, that his mind ages." - Will Durant

Basic info

BLOOD CASTEVerdant (#1f2b00) 
AGE8 sweeps  (~17.33 human years)
SLASH HANDLEabberantStandard
PATRONThe Linchpin
  • Absorbs the memories and psyches of unlucky trolls
  • Ability is channeled through a makeshift glove/wrap from a swath of cloth that came from his standard's banner
  • Able to access memories and identities stored in the wrap through the banner's various techno-sorcery properties
OCCUPATIONMercenary on Retainer & Freelance Bounty Hunter
FETCH MODUSBulletin Board
  • Items are pinned on top of each other so to retrieve items below, one has to hold those on top
HIVEFrequently on the move, camps with his lusus in a geodesic tent
A fox-like creature with the jaws, spinal scales, and tail of a crocodile. While most members of this species of lusus tend to be crafty and cunning hunters in both the water or the brush, Klizti's lusus prefers to have his charge corral his prey towards them and spring out and deliver the killing blow themselves. Most of the time though, the lusus can be found resting or grumbling half-hearted advice to Klizti around a campfire or underneath the tarp of the tent. It does tend to go out every once in a blue moon on solitary hunts. Whether the unlucky prey is a troll or a lusus naturae, that is up to chance to decide.
INTERESTSTelling stories of daring and heroism at The Broken Banner, "flirting" with potential quadrantmates, hunting down bounties, being the sole center of attention, conducting weapons maintenance on his spear and standard, going on spontaneous excursions and quests
QUIRK<<——Fortunately keeps hIs Spear and Standard on hIm at all tImeS and holdS them In the hIgheSt regard——IF

Prefix: <<——
Suffix: ——IF
- first letter of a sentence: no
- after a period: no
- names: no
- "I": yes
- commas: yes
- periods at the end of a line: yes
- apostrophes: yes
- The letters "s", I" and "f" are all capitalized.
- Klizti speaks and types with a bit of a southern accent and drawl, even if it doesn't make sense at times.
- There are no spaces between the prefix/suffix and the message.

AS: <<——honeStly, y'all a buncha cowardS. If you won’t go for It, I wIll——IF
CLASSPECTThief of Mind
  • Will literally steal the spotlight if it means he get the attention
  • What defining personality traits?
  • Terrifying if done poorly, fearsome if done correctly


You are walking along the street when suddenly you get a message from a friend you haven't seen in years. You were pretty good friends back then, but don't know how the years have changed them, but you decide to give them a chance. He texts you a place to meet up, and when you get there, you realize it's a dive bar. You walk in and the place is packed to the brim with bikers, bounty hunters, regulars, you name it. Centered in the bar is some frat boy decked out in shades, his higgvcXDnL.pngh school letterman jacket, and is recounting some drunken brawl while standing theatrically up on top of the bar, telling some frankly absurd and ludicrous remarks about his exploits in the said brawl. You decide to get a table to wait for your friend. Is he running late? You order some food. An hour passes and the friend still hasn't shown. At least the idiot's tall tale seems to be winding down. He climbs down off, likely to get a drink, but then starts walking towards your table. He slides in and pretends like you didn't see that entire debacle and starts talking (and is he flirting????) like it hasn't been years, decades since you've seen each other.

Congratulations, you now know what it's like to know Klizti Oanuun.

Klizti is, to put it quite bluntly, a handful to deal with. He feels like the king of the world, the cream of the crop, the boss hog, the top dog, whatever phrase one would use to describe someone who believes he has no equal. As a mercenary in the employ of the Rivurban Monarchs, Klizti has access to the upper rungs of society but eschews then in favor of total and absolute freedom from their stringent rules and the like. He sees himself as the suave and charismatic free agent who all the trolls flock to for filling their quadrants, but in reality, he just seems desperate and kind of sad to watch flail around. He has so much unearned confidence, and while this may allow him to coast on people's good graces for a decent amount of time, they eventually get tired of it.

All his bravado aside, his friends swear on the graves of their Patrons that there was a time when he wasn't this asshole, but any fond memories have long since been chased away by this new persona.

  Good/neutral traits

  • Unbridled confidence
  • Smart as a whip
  • Personable and friendly
  • Once he's set his sights on a goal, he will not stop
  • Keeps his friends close
  • Cares not for the luxuries of the upper class

  Bad traits

  • Unbridled arrogance
  • Cruel in how he's cunning
  • Manipulative in his closer relationships 
  • The facts bend and twist to fit his narrative
  • Complicated relationship with proximity, both mental and physical
  • Ignores the consequences of his actions


   Aylena Signus: Slight flushed flirting between the two, but for Aylena, this was when Chatka and her were having issues, and she eventually stopped pursuing Klizti when the issues were resolved. Klizti on the other hand fell and fell hard. He ended up being was very possessive and manipulative during the short period, so she broke it off, but he thinks she’s still into him and that they’re still a thing.

   Aibell Hilanu: Aibell and Klizti have known each other nearly as long as Klizti and Ciphro, and the three spent their early sweeps hanging out together. They became moirails young and were amazing influences on each other. Unfortunately, she was witness to Klizti's radical shift in character and was helpless to watch as he became a completely separate person. The moirallegiance somehow has not faded, but Aibell now struggles to reign in her pale partner.



   Ciphro Bizalt: Were inseparable matesprits as wrigglers, causing chaos and mayhem and just being harmless pranksters, but faded over time as Klizti became more and more abrasive and arrogant. The matespritship dissolved and the two still keep in touch, but not as frequently and has devolved into more of a professional relationship.