Sammy Parrot



3 years, 11 months ago


My current D&D character!

Tiefling / Wild magic sorcerer / Chaotic good / Lv 5


Sammy is a wild magic sorcerer with dreams of one day being a world class detective. Unfortunately, whilst he’s intelligent and passionate, his idea of what a detective is and does comes entirely from murder mystery fiction books. 

Sammy can be smart and quick-witted, solving problems and thinking laterally on the fly. However, this intelligence is hampered somewhat with the truly shocking lack of common sense he routinely shows. His wild magic coupled with unique thought process means he has a tendency to get himself into bad situations and then escalate them, often getting into trouble and not as easily getting out of it.

As a party member:

Whilst Sammy is generally open and expressive, with a natural confidence in approaching people, the hostility he faced in his hometown due to certain wild magic surges make him nervy and defensive when accused of wrongdoing. However, he’s finding some peace and stability in his current party, who don’t seem to mind his eccentricities as much, and value him as a party member.

His party have raised concerns about Sammy’s tendency to set things on fire, but he insists that the issue is exaggerated and he has things under control.

Wild Magic:

Being a wild magic sorcerer means that Sammy has access to a well of raw chaotic magic; he can use this power to alter fate and make him more likely to succeed in certain actions. However, use of this magic comes at a cost- wild magic surges. Wild magic surges can manifest in a number of different ways, using Sammy as a conduit to release magical energy. Some tamer surges include summoning crabs into bags, turning the caster into a plant or making the caster unable to speak in anything other than rhyme, but it can also manifest in more destructive ways such as casting fireball without warning, siphoning life force from others and summoning bears intent on violence and with knowledge of the caster’s location.

Additional details:

- He has a parrot familiar called Lola

- The compass is his spellcasting focus and he needs it to cast spells. When a wild magic surge is triggered, it spins rapidly

- Has the ability to cast spells without talking or making gestures

Favourite spells:

Prestidigitation, firebolt, detect thoughts, invisibility, fireball