Aria Aifaeryn



3 years, 10 months ago


True love stories never have endings...

Name Aria Aifaeryn
Gender Female
Age Looks early-20's
Orientation Bisexual
Race Faeline/Esper
Occupation Lost Princess/Love Witch
Town Einohana

aria_pink_lady_hawthorn_by_witchykatt_dg aria_norwegian_forest_cat_by_witchykatt_ aria_blushing_phantom_butterfly_2_by_wit

A lost princess from a fallen kingdom, now a love witch living secluded in the fae-forest near her once home's ruins. Aria is a mostly sweet young lady with a moony aura, although her relation to the fae has left her with a certain playfulness. She doesn't get many visitors to her little magic shop, yet for those she meets she tries to uphold a alluring and coquette image. Partly because she thinks that's what people expect from a love witch, but it also gives her the opportunity to pretend to be like the confident sorceresses in her favourite books.

You might have heard the people whisper about the beautiful witch's special atelier, known for it's assortment of love potions and strange trinkets. As well as it's...unconventional means of payment. Claims of a magic barrier marked and surrounded by a giant fairy ring and uncanny briars, rarely offering glimpses of a little cottage near ancient, elven ruins. It's said that, should it be your hearts wish, you must only listen out for little bells and seek them out. Finding them on the collars of her curious cats, just as otherwordly as their owner, allow yourself to be led by their soft paws. If you pay heed to such rumours is, of course, entirely up to you...


  • Fairytales, love stories
  • Gossip
  • Expensive clothing
  • Making deals
  • The ocean, sea shells


  • Thunderstorms
  • Small children
  • Being woken up from naps
  • Being played tricks on by the fae
  • ?

♡ The Last of Her Kind

A princess that grew up quite sheltered living in a forest with her clansfolk, protected and hidden by a magic barrier. Yet she longed to see beyond the bounds of their forest, her heart yearning for adventure and to find her fated love, just like in her beloved fairytales. So one night she chose to sneak out to visit a nearby village, taking with her a magical pendant and family heirloom, to be able to pass through the barrier. Yet when she returned from her short trip, all she found left of her little kingdom were ruins. Now the lost princess is traveling together with her newfound protector, a gentle knight, to search for remnants of her people and find out what happened to them. Fearing the answer to the question if she truly is the last...

♡ A Fairytale Love

One of her most important companions, giving her hope even during her darkest nightmares, are books. She loves to read fairytales and love stories especially. It is her petalsoft hearts' greatest wish to meet her own fated love. This also sparked her interest in researching love potions, although her magic cannot bind what was never meant to be. While she is naturally more shy and delicate, she tries to take example by her favourite book heroines and act more mature and flirty, thinking that's what people expect when visiting a love witch.

♡ Of Rubies and Sapphires

Gifted with the royal blood of her ancient family line, she possesses a unique kind of magic. Allowing her to summon deity like beings with her aether. Already at a young age, she was rarely seen apart from her Kittbuncles. While usually seen in their small, catlike forms, she is also able to summon them big enough to ride on. They sparkle and resemble a soft pink flower agate and gentle aquamarine of a mermaid stone respectively. Yet unbeknownst to her, there may slumber a secret inside her family's heirloom pendant?

♡ Priestess of the Moon

Just like the princesses before her, she is assigned the title of priestess to her clan's moon goddess, and is taught in the dedicated history as well as exclusive and powerful healing spells. With her parents often busy with their roles, she readily embraces and finds some solace in this position. Often being seen in her priestess garments, praying to her goddess in a hidden temple by the sea.

♡ Faecuffs

As a sign of forming a bond with the fae folk, she was gifted with this set of matching collar and cuffs. Adorned with eternal moon flowers and embedded with mermaid pearls, they enhance her magical ability and help not expending too much aether when summoning. There's a pair of fae that like to travel with her and have fun helping, or sometimes hindering, her spellwork.


Thicc Hourglass, big booba
Pale Peach
Gilden Green
Hair Color
Hair Style
Long, slightly wavey with rose curls
Hawthorn and Lilac


  • Usually always wears make-up and has long, almond shaped nails. If you draw her with a darker shade upper lip I'd swoon.
  • She has smaller, slightly droopy elf ears. Her cat ears can be drawn either upright or droopy, depending on her mood.
  • Her most notable beauty marks are: one under her right eye, two on her left shoulder, one on top of her left foot. But she also has some scattered on her thighs/butt.
  • Cat pupil + optional heart shape
  • Almost pearlescent white vallaslin/markings on her face and collarbones.
  • Feel free to shorten her hair a bit or put it up in other hairstyles, generally I like her having a Chii (Chobits) kinda appearance.
  • Suggestive/NSFW art of her is totally fine.
  • She's a love witch/fairytale princess like character, but I like to try around with her, depending on what I feel like. Recently I quite like her being a Chobits/Bloodborne like ball-jointed doll, for example. So please feel free to experiment and have fun with her! Also feel free to change her outfit/hair or simplify her ♡



She loves sweet things, especially chocolate. While her go-tos are usually belgian seashells and cat tongues, she'd never turn down a piece of death of chocolate cake.

She's peculiar about her appearance to a nearly obssessive degree. Pretty much all of her wardrobe and make-up is enchanted.

Sometimes adds "nya's" and other kitty sounds when speaking without noticing.

Keeps a thick, trinket cluttered book for her spells and to check back on customers with successful spells, to see how things played out.

Likes to bake intricate breads and pastries, as well as use her hawthorn blessing to make things like jam and tea. She keeps it secret that she got good at baking by handling dough as a stress relief when she's upset.

She has a smol garden with self-grown veggies and a faery tree that makes her feel at ease.

Her two cats roam in and around Einohana with Aria's shop advertisement on their collars, leading suitable customers to her.

She adores unicorns, being related to her people's moon goddess. She has a favourite set of make-up brushes and a hairbrush made out of unicorn mane with pink rose blush tips.

She purrs while healing someone by touch.

Fated Lovers


Eternity: Memory of Lightwaves

♡ The Princess and the Witch ♡

Aria is dearly in love with her "deer dryad" girlfriend Rydia. A sweet and loving maiden working for her family's silk-weaving and clothing business.The veil Aria is wearing is actually a self-made gift from her, with much consideration to dye it the perfect colour.

Despite not being inexperienced, it's actually the first time Aria allowed a relationship to grow quite serious. She looks forward to marrying Rydia someday~


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Rydia Forte [ fated lovers ]

Aria's beloved girlfriend. They love each other dearly and Aria's veil was actually a gift, that Rydia weaved herself with much effort, before blushingly gifting it. Aria treasures the veil a lot and sometimes burrito-cuddles into it at home, while thinking about Rydia ♡


Kiyara Veiovis [ close witchy friend ]

Being a close witchy friend of Aria's, you can often observe them meeting up for tea to share their gossip. It usually is a pleasant time, as long as Aria's cats and Kiyara's birbs can refrain from starting another, as friendly as possible meant, feud.


Cerise [ close friend ]

Owner of a cafe, that Aria is a regular at. Cerise even named some items on the menu after her. They're both into gardening and exchange tips and tricks.


Violette [ friend ]

Violette is an always welcome cuddle-friend for Aria's cats.


Eliza [ friend ]

Supplied by Aria with various potions and occasionally information about human targets for Eliza.


Morrigan [ acquaintance ]

They know each other through Cerise, but aren't that close to each other. Both still make an effort to get along for Cerise, though Morrigan feels wary of her. Aria tries to convince Morrigan to allow her to dress her up, do her make-up/hair and just generally have a cute girls far there's no sign of success.


Kitty [ familiar ]

White turkish angora with heterochromia. Energetic gremlin cat. Likes to zoomy around and get into trouble. Always curious to be at Aria's side when she's practising her magic.


Kitty [ familiar ]

Black norwegian forest cat. A fluffy soot sprite that likes to nap and cuddle all day.

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