


3 years, 11 months ago


NUMBER (82) Owner: ShadowFox1412

Name: Danvers

Age: 19

Bloodline: NA

Birthdate: June 30th

Upload Date: January 28, 2021

Sexuality: Straight

Gender: Female

Status: Mated to Griogair

Parents: Jarvis, Fuchsia

Cubs: Chaedon, Anahi, Vishnu, Vesper,

Personality: Danvers is quite the regal and calm gran, having changed quite a bit over the years from the cocky and somewhat arrogant young adult she had been. She tends to speak her mind still and keeps a very tight watch on her circle of friends and family, always ready to step in and care for any of them who come to visit.

History: When Danvers was old enough she set out to wander traveling far and wide, seeing everything that she could. It wasn’t long though before she met two males and being young quickly found herself exploring a relationship with them both, however it was not to be as Pisces the younger of the two males quickly fled when it was determined she was pregnant with both the cubs. Loki stuck around to help but they both decided they were better off as friends rather than mates. While pregnant Danvers settled down just outside the Ama pack territory and since then hasn’t left to resume traveling. Anahi and Chaedon as well as Vesper and Vishnu were all born there and she has found herself reluctant to leave a place that has become so special to her and her family. She always waits for the moment when Griogair will visit even if Aoife doesn’t approve of their relationship.

Random facts: My very first gran bean

Stats: STR – 7 | RES – 5 | WIS – 10 | CHA – 8 | DEX – 10

Traits: Ears: L | Tails: L | Fangs: L | Size: L | Eyes: L

Alt Traits: Horns: NA | Wings: NA | Glowies: NA | Feathers: NA

God Trait(s): NA

Mutation: Piebald

Special Base: NA