


4 years, 6 hours ago


NUMBER (507) Owner: ShadowFox1412

Name: Vesper

Age: 9

Birthdate: December 4th

Upload Date: November 20, 2020

Sexuality: Straight

Gender: Female

Status: Mated to Llishi

Parents: Danvers and Griogair

Cubs: Noelani (adoption)

Personality: Vesper has a very skittish and shy personality for the most part, disliking unnecessary confrontations and preferring to instead keep to herself and her family. Despite this Vesper can also be fierce when pushed having learned under her aunt Aoife. She might be soft and sweet but shes not a pushover and will stand her ground.

History: Vesper grew up mainly with her mother Danvers though visited her father and aunt regularly while growing up. Other than her family she was almost afraid to socialize as her being blind on one side made her quite self-conscious about how clumsy she was due to this. That changed after she stumbled upon a young cub in a bad storm. The cub was in poor condition and although Vesper was only a year or two older, she couldn’t help but take the cub in giving her a home and family. After meeting Noelani and raising her, vesper found the confidence and self-worth to grow into her own. While still shy, Noelani gave her the courage and strength to be herself. It was after discovering Noelani that vesper began spending more time with Aoife so that she could protect her daughter in all but blood. Nowadays she can be found traveling between the two territories and in a loose circle around the Ama pack, being quite friendly with many who live within the pack thanks to her mother’s territory being close by. It was during one of her usual forays into the annual festivals the Ama pack hosted that she met her best friend and future mate Llishi. He was a brash and somewhat aggressive male but as she got to know him more and more, she saw past that to the kind and loyal gran he was. 

Random facts: Likes listening to the wind sing.

Stats: STR – 4 | RES – 3 | WIS – 4 | CHA – 10 | DEX – 9

Traits: Ears: L | Tails: R | Fangs: C | Size: R | Eyes: C | Horns: NA | Wings: NA

Mutation: Blind in one eye

Special Base: NA