


3 years, 10 months ago


March 18
The clown


Affectionate • Dramatic • Enthusiastic • Passionate

Tavon seems like an open book upon introductions - he's friendly, outgoing and generally happy guy who'll easily turn a droning, deadbeat day to a sunny and smile-filled start. Very welcoming and expressive, even to those he's first meeting, Tavon is easy to approach and get to know.

With high optimism comes great enthusiasm. Tavon lives an active lifestyle and isn't always a fan of just sitting around and relaxing. If there's a task to be doing or even just an unexplored area, Tavon is more than happy to head off by himself and test the waters while everyone else is busy. This means he puts his all into anything and everything - be it be something as tedious as origami to something simple like hopping - Tavon won't ever half-heartedly attempt something.


  • Valentines
  • Sweets
  • Baby Animals
  • Scenery; mainly forests


  • Speeches
  • Anyone who wholeheartedly belives stereotypes
  • Overconfidence
  • Being alone
"Waa, don't hurt the flower! Back away slowy-!"


Though Tavon isn't for confrontations when he can avoid it, Tavon is more than willing to get involved with one when he feels its necessary. Whether looking out for someone close to him, preventing someone from committing what he views is wrong or simply because an individual keeps offending or pestering him - Tavon will engage in physical violence if he feels he has to. Where he can, however, Tavon does stick with verbal disagreements at most.

He can often be a 'tad' overdramatic. Be it from a minor revelation or stating the obvious, with a big personality expect major reactions. You have to be wary mentioning secrets though - while he wouldn't tell a soul - if it's shocking enough he might yell it out. Probably not something you want to happen-

Tavon loves to make others laugh, bring up a smile or make a fool of himself in order to improve someone's mood. He's a selfless squidgy boy who cares for those at his side far more than most would; one of the heart and souls of the group and someone who's presence is always well known upon his arrival. However, this does in turn mean when Tavon is upset, its exceptionally noticeable and at times he can struggle to manage his emotions.

Random Facts

• Tavon is a cuddly teddy bear. He absolutely loves cuddling, snuggling or anything really. He adores hugging his friends when they sleep; this more often than not being Angela on her lazy snooze days. He doesn't need a time of day or a reason, Tavon will lunge at you without a moments notice and hug you to death.

• Tavon loves dressing up. Anything and everything, he'd love to try it on or play around with it. Undeniably curious, Tavon will go out of his way and at many times, he'll get himself stuck trying on things that really shouldn't fit him. Similarly, Tavon likes to dress up his friends. If he finds Aiden with his back down - no doubt he'll sneak up behind him and try attaching a bow or a headband. Of course, this rarely ends well for Tavon but it's usually well worth the final piece.

• Tavon loves puns and dad jokes. He personally doesn't make them but whenever Angela decides to enlist a bit of cringe, expect him to be the first to start snickering through his teeth. It isn't hard to make Tavon laugh and when he really starts, it takes a bit of time before he stops again.


• His favourite colour is fern green/turqoise

• His favourite taste is sweet

• He loves the scent of bark

• His favourite weather is sunny with a breeze

• His favourite season is summer

• His favourite flower is an allium




Angela and Tavon practically hit it off right off the bat. They're both generally quite optimistic, adore eachother's company and love exploring and meeting new people together. Whilst Tavon is likely more reserved than Angela, and far more self aware, Angela is one of the few who make Tavon feel a little protective. Angela is thinks far less before she acts, so thankfully Tavon is usually around to step in just before she charges off into the unknown. Very affectionate, the duo are usually cuddling or snuggling together if they aren't daring the unknowns. They're both fairly easy to please and read eachother and strangers rather easily. Both quite stubborn to admit their own pains, they're grateful the other will always know when something is off and will always help them when needed. It's also nice to have someone who'll actually laugh at Tavon's joke regardless of how cringy it can be.



Tavon and Aiden doen't naturally get along. While Tavon is forgiving, kind and very appreciative to change and the beauty of things you can't always see, Aiden is very grounded. He's upfront, honest and values actions over words. Regardless, the pair share enough similarities they can mannage to find some common ground. Tavon doesn't agree with how brutally honest Aiden is, but knows if he wants a straight answer Aiden will give him such. If Aiden ever needs help, he knows Tavon will always lend a hand regardless of the issue or who it may concern. Aiden values that Tavon is no push over, and is always willing to lend some force if anyone tries to force Tavon into doing anything. Similarly, Tavon does his best to ease or calm any issues that spiral up from Aiden's bubbling anger.



Alo and Tavon are by far some of the most energetic members of the group. Thankfully, Tavon sets a far better example for Alo than Castor. They both adore exploring together, finding new things and just experimenting/beating challenges together. Whilst Tavon is quite restless, he is far more obervant in comparison to Alo and often tries to tone him down when possible. Alo struggles to adjust to how quiet and soft Tavon can be when relaxing and still has yet to fully understand boundaries. Tavon is very easy going and generally goes along with all of Alo's cuddles and signs of affection, but he definitely needs breaks between someone as bouncy as himself.



Dyzek is one of the few individuals Tavon knows he can always just chill with. Sometimes Tavon feels he has to remain optimistic so having Dyzek, who couldn't care less and is always up for listening to his woes, will always bring a smile to Tavon's face. If Dyzek's sleeping, Tavon will often snuggle up against him. Else he'll bring something soft over for Dyzek to sleep on, he has an awful habit of snoozing just about anywhere which Tavon hopes to fix. Between naps, Dyzek appreciates Tavon's company when tending to his plants. No one is as appreciative as Tavon, especially when it comes to nature. Dyzek always loves to hear Tavon's thoughts on the plants he finds and takes under his wing, and it's comforting to know someone will keep an eye on them should Dyzek need to handle something else.

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