Jazmine Rae



3 years, 11 months ago


Female (She / Her)
Long Island, New York


Partner: Vorvomon

Crest powers: None







Outgoing . Positive . Sensitive

Jazmine is a very outgoing, talkative person, always being friendly to others, and enjoys talking to people and making new friends. She has a very sunny, positive disposition to her, almost always smiling, and staying on the brighter side of life.
Despite her outgoing ness though, she can be a bit sensitive, and often labeled as childish at times. Jazmine gets easily upset over smaller things that normally wouldn’t bother others, becoming moody, sad, upset, etc. However, her bit of a one track mind can often make her bounce back from these hurt feelings, just as fast as she got upset over them.
Surprisingly, Jazmine doesn’t always have the best confidence in herself, usually uplifting others, but putting herself down at times, a side of herself she usually keeps hidden from others. Above all though, she has a very kindhearted spirit, usually putting other’s needs above her own.

Jazmine’s biggest hobby is sewing, particularly in the plushie making department. She has a small business where she sells various kinds of plushie designs, and does the occasional commissions as well, and her business actually makes a lot more money then most would think. Jazmine finds great comfort in plushies, and also enjoys collecting as many of them as she can. In other moments, Jazmine will also take on other kinds of sewing projects, such as making blankets, or scarves.


  • Plushes
  • Sewing
  • Stickers

  • Loud noises
  • Spiders
  • Onions
Hey, you don’t have to worry... We all got this!






Jazmine didn’t have the best childhood growing up. When she was younger, she used to struggle with school work a lot, and always had a hard time making friends, making her school experience not the best, always needing professional help at that age. Around this time, she was also diagnosed with having autism and ADHD.

Jazmine doesn’t remember it much, but at the age of 4, her mother passed away in a car crash, leaving her with just her heartbroken father for a while. Eventually, at the age of 6, her father married a new woman, making Liam her new brother. The two ended up becoming very close friends right away, and Liam started protecting Jazmine from any school bullies, helping her school experience a bit.

...Her life changed at the age of 13 after meeting Vorvomon, her Digimon partner, and becoming a Digidestined. She struggled a lot with becoming a Digidestined, due to Vorvomon’s behavioral issues when he Digivolved, heavily affecting Jazmine’s confidence in herself, and straining her relationship with Liam a bit, since the two would always argue on how to be good Digidestined. Eventually, Jazmine did say goodbye to Vorvomon, who had to go back to the Digital World.


Thanks to her friendship and support from Liam, Jazmine went through high school with a much better experience, now becoming much better at making friends, and getting her schoolwork done a lot easier. She still had some confidence issues from her time as a Digidestined though.

...Her life stayed the same, until the age of 19, where she ran into more forces of evil.

Many forces of evil Digimon arrived in her world, Jazmine and her  friends defeating them. Afterwards Jazmine was forced to say goodbye to Vorvomon yet again, sad and wondering if they’ll see each other again someday.

At the age of 23, Jazmine was once again reunited with Vorvomon, who was finally ready to stay in her world this time. After dealing with some more Digimon trouble, Jazmine was finally happy to be back with Vorvomon  permanently.


Jazmine now lives a pretty happy, fulfilled life.


  • Jazmine went through a rougher childhood, before becoming a Digidestined.
  • Jazmine went through school with a better experienc, until she ran into more forces of evil.
  • Jazmine now lives a happy, fulfilled life.
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