
A mute Star Wars Clone Oc and his prototype Droid.

Commander Wyvern serves under Jedi Knight Carbon as his right-hand man. His Clone regiment is the 663rd. He has been by his General’s side since day one of the Clone Wars.

One day, a rather deadly beast managed to sneak up on Wyvern and the squad of Clones he took into a cavern. They had been checking it out, in hopes of using it as a base for the night. Unfortunately, the beast- angry at having its space invaded- managed to slaughter the entire squad of Clones before Carbon realized what was happening. He made it just in time to save Wyvern, but not fast enough to keep his Clone Captain from receiving a rather nasty wound to his vocal chords, rendering him mute from that point on.

After his accident, Wyvern requests to have a stealth Droid built that would be able to speak for him. Thus, E-1 is created. The Clones under Wyvern’s command end up calling E-1 Eko (Echo). E-1 is almost always by Wyvern’s side. He has access to the Commander’s comms, so as to speak verbally when needed. An implant was actually placed in Wyvern's head to allow him to transmit instructions, phrases, plans, and more directly to E-1.

Wyvern, despite his ranking, his a rather relaxed commander. He is kind to his troops, and treats each of them with respect. However, when around superiors/people he doesn't know well, he tends to be more on edge. He and Carbon are incredibly close friends.

When Order 66 was executed, Wyvern's chip reacted differently than the others, due to the implant he has to better connect with E-1. His chip still activated, forcing him to attack Carbon, but he had much more free will than the other clones. In fact, there were times where his chip would momentarily shut off, giving him time to allow Carbon to escape. Thanks to that, he was able to keep himself from killing his general. Carbon later removes Wyvern's chip, and the two go on the run along with E-1.