


7 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info


-UC Floof Magoof tail -Rest is common


-They can be drawn with an humanoid face if desired uvu



 Name  Francis
 Gender  NB
 Age  Adult
 species  Vullowisp
 occupation  Plubbs Town Ambassador
 Nicks  Fran, Flowy
 magic type  Black
 subclass  Necromancer
 Demeanor  Breezy, diplomatic, tsundere
 HTML  Eggy


Tee Hee >:3c

Francis spawned in the center of the Eternal Greenhouse of Plubbs Town, (that was more a Deadhouse back then), at the base of a rotten tree, which inmediatly started to slowly revive as time passed and the little puppy stayed near. The guards of the place took that as some kind of gift from the gods so they were raised and looked after in the Greenhouse. It was a really strange occurence since there was no vullowisp in that area (and not much population was pretty much of a ghost town due to the constant raining and hidden location)

The few residents were kinda reluctant to have a foreing creature with unknown power in their safe place, but since it was a baby and they got back the tree (a bit different but was definetly alive) the decided to give them a chance (they seemed to have healing magic and that was so useful) and everything was fine uvu

...Until the child learned to talk. The kid started to say weird things, from creepy to things they shouldnt know, and when they were let out to explore the town area it always came carrying small corpses of all kind of creatures and dead plants. Oh, the kid also insisted that they could speak with the "people that cannot be seen" and that the carcasses around their spot in the Greenhouse were they friends, and they spoke to them as if they were alive and awnsering. Probably the thing that made the residents freak out the most was not only that the little cheerful and curious Vullo was talking so casually about gross stuff, but also that they never seemed to be bothered or confused by their powers, the rest of the world faces or the isolation that came with their creepy behaviour. Well, they had their friends after all.

Time passed, Francis grew to be a stunning (but not less creepy) adult, and most of the residents wanted the black magician to leave for good now that they could roam safely on their own (they felt bad about kicking out a child back then,). The ones who wanted them to stay was beacuse the Greenhouse was slowly coming back to life as their magic develovep and got stronger, but precisely because of that the rest were afraid of what else could those death powers do (and welp, the plants of the Greenhouse were not green anymore, to say the least)

At this point, lets say that some day a certain event took place that basically made all the people in town change their opinion about Francis. They were not only allowed to stay, but were also proclaimed the Ambassador of Plubbs Town <:3€ with the mission of making the place more well known and atract tourism to the area, now the town was more welcoming and the main atracction was on full splendour again >:3~
Nowadays theyre travelling around fullfilling their mission uwu


  • Francis black magic allows them to bring back to life...plants. (Yes, only plants)
  • However the reanimated plants turn orange-yellow-pink (like the flowers that grow on Francis) and quickly absorb the life of any other plant/fungii that grows near them,
  • They can also speak with the dead through the remains that lie hidden within the soil <:3c (and can see ghosts when its raining, their ethereal silouettes glow as the raindrops pass through em...)
  • They love to dance around, esp in the rain and with their boo<3
  • Rarely seen without their yellow coat (when outdoors, they usually enjoy staying nakey when chilling indoors)
  • They have owned that coat for as long as they can remember (they say the spawned under it), it suffered lots of magical readjustments (as baby grew) and repairs <x3
  • Despite wearing always the same thing Francis do have an interest in clothes x3 They enjoy sewing and colecting famcy samples
  • One time Francis fell down an open sewer entrance when they were taking a stroll in the city at night and almost died of drowning, but fortunatly Dion was just passing by and thats how they met <:3c (they saved their life...and stole their heart heehee)
  • They love orange-apple-carrot juice >:3c and crunchy bugs :9 (and midnight glowing fungus ñam)
  • When speaking or thinking they rest their chin on their paw like 90% of the time