Ocosus Friere



3 years, 11 months ago



A purple blood prince of time, Ocosus has always considered himself better than other trolls due to him practically raising himself, he is well known in the FLARPing community and is considered a celebrity in the community for his violence and kill count. He's a 'destroy first ask questions later' kind of troll and will often get into fights with others because of his attitude.


Fairly tall and athletically built, he wears white clown facepaint with two dark grey diamonds over his eyes, a spot on each cheekbone, his nose entirely grey and a grey 'smile' around his mouth. He wears a turtleneck with his sign on it and stripey black and purple trousers with black shoes. His horns are shaped like half a loveheart each pointing inwards with a small point at the apex before the curve, his hair is wavy and generally messy. He has two long fangs and the rest are shorter.

  • Painting his strife weapon
  • Faygo
  • Quadrant dramas
  • Fans treating him 'like he deserves'
  • Most highbloods, including other purples
  • Being told what to do
  • His own quick temper
  • Anyone getting too close to his moirail
  • His lusus
  • Messiness

"-->Not That I Give ^ Flying Fuck ^bout ^ll This But Y'know, We've Not Even Got To Play The Stupid Game Yet. 3:o| <--"

Ocosus Friere
Sea Serpent
Typing quirk:
Capitalizes the first letter of every word. A-^. L-↳. Also uses --> before each message and <-- after each message.
Example of typing quirk:
-->The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over ^ ↳azy Dog.<--
7 and a half sweeps (16 human years)
@treacherousJester [TJ]
Lunar sway:
Prince of time
Land of:
Masks and mountains
Strife Specibus:
- Stronger than anyone lower on the hemospectrum
- 'Chucklevoodoo' that allows him to see through the eyes of others for a short amount of time.
God tier powers:
- Ability to decay the time others have.
- Capable of destroying peoples place on the timeline, essentially erasing them from narrative existence.
- Perhaps even capable of destroying entire timelines for his own wants.

                        Playlist - Artfight













Ocosus was barely raised by his lusus - a sea dwelling serpent is seldom comfortable on land and thus his first sweep was spent learning things the hard way rather than simply being taught by his lusus. Independence became somewhat a point of pride for him, giving him a sense of earning his strength and understanding the world rather than having it spoon fed to him.

Just like most purple bloods, he attends clown church and has a strong belief in the mirthful messiahs. Any of his spare time is spent playing FLARP or interacting with 'fans' on social media, or threatening other FLARPers on social media.

Fun facts

- Ocosus has to repaint his bats often after FLARP sessions, he often uses designs based on stripes, swirls and spots. They're always painted in grey, purple, black and white.

- Both he and his Moirail Drisat are actually red flushed for eachother but neither party knows that's the case - they do eventually get together as matesprits during their session.

- He has hired Ilumin to ensure his social media doesn't get hacked. Ocosus' payment to Ilumin is allowing them to chill in his hive and use the Wi-Fi.

- There are online kill counters to maintain a track of how many trolls Ocosus kills both in and out of FLARP.

Confirmed Quadrants: ♠♦♣♥ | Possible Quadrants: ♤♢♧♡


Alitia Signas

After hearing many rumors and also because of his general dislike of seadwellers, he hates her and that never changes.
She sees him as a potential fun toy to play with, especially given how much fight he has but it's no fun if he doesn't let his guard down around her - which he never does.


Eilvaa Sidyen

Initially dislikes her for being a seadweller, later just dislikes her because he finds her annoying but he's far more tolerant of her.
She thinks he's a little harsh but would like to one day be friends.


Ozzada Kurdar

Ocosus considers him a stupid pushover, someone who buys too much into the whole hemospectrum thing. Later hates him for helping Alitia ruin the session.
Ozzada thinks Oco is an asshole but treats him like a superior due to him being a purple. Later just considers him an asshole.


Drisat Meltac ♦⇢♥

Moirails to start with, Ocosus knows she doesn't like the idea of redrom and thus doesn't push for it despite liking her. Later worries he's losing her when he's flirting with Aldean.
She loves Ocosus to pieces but doesn't think he would want redrom with her, pulls away from him while he's flirting with Aldean because it's hard for her to watch.
Eventually the two become matesprits during the session.


Trayun Tinnio

Initially dislikes how rule abiding and boring she is but she earns his respect during the session, proving herself more capable than expected.
She thinks he's far too full of himself but later is friendly with him. 


Telvai Kirnet

Ocosus considers Telvai as a pretty chill dude but doesn't understand his want to raise grubs, giving all that time and energy into it. Later thinks they're friends.
Initially Telvai doesn't like his attitude but is nice to keep the peace, considers Oco a friend later.


Tillex Purrot

Ocosus finds him irritating as fuck and wants to keep him away. Later learns to tolerate him but still considers him annoying.
Tillex, on the other hand, thinks Ocosus is cool af even if he is a bit rude. Later keeps his distance because he's figured out Oco finds him annoying. 


Aldean Citrut

Impressed by her biting back against higher bloods and how sweet she can be, he tries to have flushed feelings for her to try and get over his thing for Drisat but inevitably it doesn't work. Afterwards he keeps his distance because he knows he's hurt her.
Aldean initially distrusts him since he's a highblood but comes to like him, flushes for him but has her heart broken violently. She is very bitter about it.


Naevys Vannya

Finds it funny she knows about him through her work giving people prosthetics, happy that she ends up with Aldean but keeps his distance to not cause problems.
Naevys respects him but later has an underlying dislike for what he did to Aldean, tries to keep the peace though. 


Uctrix Arvumm

Ocosus finds him painfully boring, that never really changes. He doesn't understand just keeping your head down and doing what you're 'meant to do'.
Uctrix doesn't really like Ocosus but doesn't care enough to do anything about it, just thinks his attitude stinks.


Phirix Esloru

Ocosus thinks he's a mouthy little bastard that needs to shut the hell up.
Phirix thinks Ocosus is an elitist asshole, hates him.
There's a chance this will develop into a kismesis.


Ilumin Gerula

If Ocosus wasn't pale with Drisat while Alternia, Ilumin would have been his Moirail. He thinks they're absolutely awesome.
Ilumin thinks Ocosus is both funny and useful, they see through his macho bullshit thanks to access to all his files and such - including goregle searches on how to calm down his anger issues and such.
Depending on story, there is a chance they may become Moirails.



Ocosus immediately doesn't trust him, especially when he tries to use those he cares about against him - that only proves to make him hate Thotep all the more.
Thotep considers Ocosus a stubborn thorn in his side that might ruin his plans, he truly dislikes him. 


Ciliun Fortis

Ocosus has very little to say about Ciliun. He thinks the guy seems cool enough, certainly more tolerable than some of the over-the-top purples he's had to interact with at functions prior.
Ciliun actually sees ocosus as everything wrong with purpleblood culture, thinking he's just a posterboy for violence and hurting others.


Kretur Priste

Sees her as an annoying handful, though begrudgingly fond of her, almost like a little sister.
She loves spending time with Ocosus and will often go out of her way to seek him out when he attends the church.


The Successor

Ocosus despises the Successor and all she stands for, the idea of her having any modicum of control over his life makes him livid honestly.
She doesn't even know he exists lmfao.


The Apostate

His ancestor, he knows very little about him outside of the whole rebel pirate thing.

profile html by Hukiolukio