Ilumin Gerula



3 years, 10 months ago



A hiveless Goldblood knight of light, they move from abandoned hive to abandoned hive in order to survive - also looking for an internet connection. They play a huge part in a session they never actually get to be a part of.


Short and average build, they wear a black turtleneck with their sign on the chest and a yellow scarf draped over their shoulders, as well as black trousers and shoes. They have one robotic hand, which is white with silver accents and some pink and blue wires. They have two sets of horns, one set being very tall and wavy, the other set shorter and resembling the letter f. They wear round glasses, one lens purple and the other yellow, over their yellow and purple eyes respectively and their hair is straight but messy, draping over their face and poking out in places.

  • Technology
  • Decent food
  • Somewhere comfy to sleep
  • Video games
  • Running social groups from the shadows
  • Broken tech
  • Quadrant drama
  • Those that act like they're smarter than them
  • Ghost nonsense
  • Distractions if they're working
  • Those not following a plan

"Techn0l0gy iss my thing.
 Kinda sstere0typical but hey,, if it ain''t br0ke & all that."

Ilumin Gerula
Agender [He/They]
Hornet (dead)
Typing quirk:
Doubles s, replaces o's with 0's, replaces 'and' with &, doubles '
Example of typing quirk:
I''m ssetting up y0ur husskt0p & in return I''m g0nna be ussing y0ur wifi whenever I need it.
9 sweeps (about 20 human years)
@acerbicPotential [AP]
Lunar sway:
Knight of light
Land of:
Shadow and Circuitry
Strife Specibus:
- Moderate psionics
God tier powers:
[They never go God tier because they don't enter the session but this is what they would be]
- Capable of weaponizing light, similar to a lightsaber.
- Their vast knowledge can be used in a lot of ways that will solve many situations.
- Also very good at picking up information.

                        Playlist - Artfight













Ilumin had a fairly average early life, they were raised by their Lusus (a large hornet with various tendrils coming from its thorax) and spent most of their time learning the inner workings of whatever tech they could get their hands on. Any time not spent doing physical tech work or learning codes was instead spent online, often talking shit with highbloods. This was where they met their kismesis.

Initially it had been simply a battle of wits, two competing coding enthusiasts trying to cause eachother as many problems as possible online but it spread offline when they accidentally met face to face - Ilumin having gone to the junk yard to scavenge parts and the Indigo having been there to discard some of their own.

Pranks formally just frying motherboards to frustrate one another escalated into more dangerous antics, both of them reveling in the excitement of possibly hurting the other. They were as stubborn as eachother and always wanting to take it a step further each time, so of course it led to tragedy.

The Indigo waited for Ilumin to leave their hive and broke in, wrangling their hornet Lusus in a closed room before deciding to mess with Ilumin’s tech. They failed to realize that the home-made nature of Ilumin’s tech made it highly unstable to work with unless you knew what you were doing - Ilumin was at the door of their hive when it exploded, having returned just moments too late.

They lost their kismesis, lusus, hive and the explosion mangled their hand as they had been pulling the door open when it came off its hinges from the force of the explosion.

Yet, even with nothing to their name they did what they did best - they rebuilt what they could and scrapped what couldn’t be saved.

Abandoned hives with any decent wi-fi connection became their home, the junkyard allowed them to recreate much of their tech and they even fashioned themself a hand out of whatever they could - upgrading it whenever they found more advanced pieces.

They withdrew from others for the most part, becoming an acquaintance to most but disappearing if things seemed to be getting too familiar and personal. They weren’t aware of it but their want to keep people at a distance stemmed solely from not wanting to lose anyone again, stopping them getting close in the first place solved that problem.

Fun facts

- Their eyes are pure purple and yellow with no visible pupil, similar to sollux’s and Cirava’s eyes.

- Though they avoid people, they do have two hives they stay in that aren’t abandoned. Ocosus hired them to keep his online accounts secure and to ensure his DMs get filtered, allowing only interesting messages through, in return they get a safe place to stay with a purpleblood bodyguard.

- The second occupied hive is one they share with a Rustie called Sintra who lives among many ghosts, it turns out the hive wasn’t as empty as it seemed but they’re fine with it as her spookiness keeps others away and she doesn’t bother them at all - in fact, the two become moirails over time.

- They avoid black-rom relationships as best they can, their last one was too traumatic for them to move on and the idea of stepping into red-rom territory with anyone is very intimidating for them.

- If they feel like other trolls are too close to their current location they will pack up all their tech and get out of there asap, heading for the next abandoned hive they can call home.

Confirmed Quadrants: ♠♦♣♥ | Possible Quadrants: ♤♢♧♡


Alitia Signas

Ilumin knows too much about her to think she's good, just thinks she's useful. Later regrets decision when she fucks with the session.
She's livid that some Goldblood is trying (and succeeding) to get in her way.


Eilvaa Sidyen

Though her attempts are a little misguided, Ilumin appreciates her care towards lowbloods and thinks she's a good person.
Eilvaa is impressed by their tech, definitely tries to make to make friends with them if at all possible.


Ocosus Fuuror

Ilumin thinks Ocosus is both funny and useful, they see through his macho bullshit thanks to access to all his files and such - including goregle searches on how to calm down his anger issues and such.
If Ocosus wasn't pale with Drisat while Alternia, Ilumin would have been his Moirail. He thinks they're absolutely awesome.
Depending on story, there is a chance they may become Moirails in the future.


Ozzada Kurdar

They consider Ozzada useful but irriting as all hell. Kinda likes fucking with him because of his biases toward lowbloods, the two never really get close.
Ozzada finds them annoying as hell, even moreso when he finds out they were the one messing with his tech. One attempt to punch one of Ilumin's bots breaks his hand.


Drisat Meltac

Ilumin respects her greatly but is definitely tired of seeing her and Ocosus dance around their feelings, they're relieved when the two finally sort shit out.
Drisat cares for Ilumin, thinks they're sweet, damn smart and a good person to have on your side. Is honestly impressed that they managed to make it into the session without fucking the session up.


Trayun Tinnio

Ilumin: Respects her focus but finds her relatively boring.
Trayun: Impressed that he survived (in a way), worried about what he knew.


Telvai Kirnet

Ilumin: Considers him a really nice guy, though in need of a break. Thinks Alternia would be better with more guys like him around.
Telvai: Surprised, how the hell did they do that??? Also wanting to befriend them and teach them some manners.


Tillex Purrot

Ilumin: Thinks he's more skilled than he lets on, also knows many of his theories are correct. Continues to respect him.
Tillex: Treats the whole situation with ilumin like a kid reacting to saturday morning cartoons, wants to poke at the robots to try and figure them out despite no robotics knowledge.


Aldean Citrut

Ilumin: Respects and appreciates her tenacity, strength and music. Thinks she'll be perfect to balance some of the more reckless people in the session.
Aldean: Initially terrified of ilumin as 'admin', later realizes they don't mean any harm and comes to trust and respect them.


Naevys Vannya

Ilumin: Considers her very skilled and a likeminded individual, an asset to the session and just a neat person tbh.
Naevys: Initially worried they'd dish out information, now considers their skills extremely impressive and wants to know how it all works. Would befriend to share tips.


Uctrix Arvumm

Ilumin: Considers him boring but diligent enough to get stuff done, which is necessary for the session.
Uctrix: Don't know this little man, don't care. Doesn't appreciate how impressive ilumin's skills are, they're just robots ain't they?


Phirix Esloru

Ilumin: Respects the anti-empire hustle.
Phirix: He'd think he's fucking metal as hell, pun intended. Would want to be friends.



Finds Thotep a real challenge to deal with, enjoys that a little even if they want to get things sorted as quickly as possible.
Thotep: Annoying little bastard creature constantly getting in his way.


The Successor

Loathes her and her whole system, fully intent on ensuring it was all ripped apart before deciding the session is far more important.
It's likely she knows vaguely of them, if only through a moniker, for getting into restricted systems and data.

profile html by Hukiolukio