


3 years, 11 months ago


Full Name ► "Starla Mongui" - Esperanza Marzano
Nickname(s) ► Star
Age ► Mid-Teen (14-16)
Gender ► Female
Race ► Human
Role ► Spy
Attributes ► Long, light pink hair, caribbean blue eyes, and fair skin.
Height/Weight ► 5'4"ft 120lbs, thin
Outfit ► Plaid vest, white undershirt, black cape, boots and skirt, with blue hair clips.
Weapon ► Throwing needles
Occupation ► N/A
Birthday ► May 1st, St. Mura Bay
Sexuality ► Hetero
Likes ► Boys, material things, flirting, gossip, sunshine, having fun
Dislikes ► Jerks, bitches, being left out, violence
Fears ► Death, r*pe
Extra ► -
Relations ► Loves Daerk, is meant to "keep him in control"

Personal ►► Flirtatious, flighty, klutz, worry-wart, and overall cheerful.
To keep it brief, her parents died and she lost her way in the world. She then found the association and joined to gain some sort of stability in her life. She first began as a spy for the Resistance, but her incompetence led to her being captured. Shi Teffo decided that rather than have her killed, she could be useful in gaining the trust of others. She fears he might be biding his time with her and she strives to do her best, but hopes not to actually bring harm to anyone. She has a beauty-and-the-beast relationship with Daerk, seeing him as a tortured soul.