Haldor Petursson



3 years, 10 months ago


Haldor Pétursson

Byline / edited date

Image caption here

Name Haldor Pétursson

Age 29

Gender Male (He/Him)

Height 7'4" (Human)

9'1" (Transformed)

Occupation Drummer

Species Demigod, Úlfhéðar

Theme info

Haldor "Lightning Wolf" Pétursson, is the Icelandic-born drummer of the emerging metal band, Drowning Seiðr. He is a founding member alongside Isak Stendaal, and helps influence the direction and creative ideas of the group. Alongside his drumming, Haldor occassionally provides main and backing vocals. There are also rumors that describe him acting as "the band bodyguard", though this has not be confirmed.

Prior to his music career, Haldor was better known as one of Odin's Berserker warriors in the Úlfhéðinn (wolf warrior) unit, until his departure for his temper.

Early Life & the Úlfhéðar


Haldor was born in a small town in the countryside of Iceland, as the demigod son of Thor. His mother's side of the family owns a farm that specializes in livestock with sprawling tracks of land. One could call their family superstitious as they still carried many old Icelandic/Nordic traditions. Haldor's mother would allude to his father as a powerful man with an important job, hinting at his heritage. Being surrounded by nature and learning all about the myths was a large presence in Haldor's childhood. He would help with sheparding the sheep and sheer their wool, becoming familiar with the Icelandic landscape. Here, he grew used to spotting mythological creatures, spirits, and Huldufólk, even though most of his family and friends couldn't see them.

There was one particular clan of Huldufólk who appeared every now and then by the remote grazing areas of the sheep. The boy respectfully kept his distance, waving at them once in a while. Until one day, he spotted another boy around his own age, who had blond hair instead of the usual brown Huldufólk always had. After a few sightings, he garnered the courage to approach him, and learned that his name is Steingrímur, who was also half-human. At the approval of Steingrímur's Huldra mother, the two interacted more frequently and became good friends. This soon came to an end when Steingrímur invited Haldor to Alfheim without permission, and the two were barred from meeting again.

From a young age, he knew he had an anger issue which would sometimes explode onto the other kids. In general, Haldor never felt like he'd fit with the kids in town, not like how he was friends with Steingrímur. His mother enrolled him in drumming and wrestling as an outlet and hobby, which he grew to like as a form of escapism. As Haldor grew older, his godly abilities became more apparent, especially with how much he practiced hand to hand combat. Much like his experiences with the mythological, he had to hide these powers from mortals, which became increasingly difficult as he reached puberty. His 15th birthday brought his first visit from Thor.

[more TBA]

The Berserkers

Odin gave the young man a chance and brought him onto the Úlfhéðar unit of berserkers, with their headquarters in Asgard. The group was made up of a mix of minor gods, mortals, demigods, and every thing else in between; they were simply warriors Odin thought suitable for the job. A tight knit unit of comradery, Haldor felt more included here than ever before, despite the change in environment. Battles took place all across the Nine Realms from fighting giants in Jotunheim to diplomatic meetings in Vanaheim and Alfheim. His prowess earned him the title: Eldingar Úlfur or Lightning Wolf. In this time period, Haldor was still allowed to visit Midgard every now and then, seeing his mother and spending time on Iceland for a short while before returning to Asgard. Every year during the Yuletide Wild Hunt, Odin would invite his warriors to join him on the hunt. It was here, Haldor first met the Valkryies and Asta Oleson, who would later become a valuable ally to him. [more TBA]

Compared to most of the berserkers, Haldor was young, but talented to which the others had high hopes for him. The only downside was that he can be hot-heated even outside the berserker state. The Úlfhéðar may appear to be out of control in battle, but they functioned as a pack because of a subconcious control of their emotions, which is a field he still needed to work on even after over a decade working with them. All it took was one bad day, one terrible outburst, led Haldor to be forcefully restrained by his fellow comrades. The incident led to numerous casualties and injuries, his trashing against the chains causing Haldor's most prominent scars. For the sake of his own recovery and lack of control, Odin dismissed Haldor from the Berserkers, but not without being understanding. Even the most seasoned of veterans can lose control if they let themselves slip. The return home felt emptier than ever, burdened with a power he shouldn't have acquired, met with the stares of fear and pity from those who know. Not only feeling empty, but angry; angry at Odin, Thor, at himself for having less control. Would things have gone better if he never learned of his heritage? As welcoming as his mother tried to be, it didn't feel right staying in Iceland anymore, with the landscape reminding him of his past decisions.

Drowning Seiðr

Meeting Isak Stendaal

Haldor spent some time travelling before meeting up with Asta again, one of his few connections from his years on Asgard that also spends a lot of time on Midgard. For a while, he stayed in her barely used Midgard apartment before he can regain his bearings on what to do, and Asta wanted to help. The Valkryie had an idea and introduced him to another demigod she knew: Isak Stendaal, an independent musician living in Berlin, the son of the god of music and poetry Bragi. She would be too busy with her work for Odin, but Isak, also being a demigod but used to life on Midgard, would help with an easier transition. Haldor had his doubts, but after gauging the younger man and seeing how genuine he is, the berserker decided to give it a try. And thus, the guitarist started rooming with a battle-hardened warrior.

In between getting used to civilian life and every day interactions, Isak learned of Haldor's previous experience with the drums and encouraged him to pick it up again. It had been years since Haldor seriously practiced music again, they had to rent out a room in a music store to practice, but it was serviceable. As they continued their jam sessions, real musical chemistry began to form between them, and Isak realized that he now has a live drummer to record music with, not just a music program. Haldor in turn welcomed Isak's refreshing friendly demeanor, and looked to music as a positive outlet, escape, and a way to make a living. So the short term stay with Isak became long term, and the two official became a "band". Since drumming was only a hobby for Haldor, his skills were not up to par with one who consistantly practiced. This led to Isak and a local drumming teacher help with lessons. Haldor didn't have interest in an electronic kit, coupled with such a big and loud instrument, they moved to a new two floor flat with a basement they sound-proofed. To this day, this basement serves as Drowning Seiðr's recording studio and where they practice. Their first endeavors were back to doing covers in resturants and bars, but it was a start.

The Rise of the Band

The first few couple of shows drew the attention of one Josef Sommer, a man who seemed familiar to Haldor and immediately felt distrust towards. Josef proposed to the band that he can help them not only with organizing shows and managing contacts, but also in ways most humans can't. After a display of rune magic, he revealed himself to be half-Huldufólk and half-human. Only then did Haldor recognize him as his old friend Steingrímur. He has strong suspicions about why Steingrímur is here under a new alias, as well as his purpose. Instead of showing his hand early, Haldor kept this knowledge to himself, wanting to see what Josef will do and how Isak handled the situation. Unsurprisingly, the guitarist decided to trust Josef for now, despite Haldor's judgement. After the meeting, the former berserker made it clear to Josef that if anything were to happen to Isak or the band, the elf would face his wrath. The more Josef became involved with managing the band and spending time with them, the more Haldor lowered his apprehension for his intentions.

Eventually, Øyvind Landvik, Isak's musician friend, contacted the band about playing with them. Previously, he and Isak played with the idea of making music themselves before Øyvind's day job schedule conflicted with Isak's. Now, after negotiating for more free time, Øyvind can become an active member of the band again. Thus, Drowning Seiðr regained their bassist, and are officially complete. The band still has a long ways to go. After releasing their first album, they garnered a small internet following from Isak's previous fans on top of getting notoriety from the local scene.


General Demigod abilities: intrinsic understanding of Old Norse and runes, enhanced speed/strength/agility/endurance, a slightly stronger aptitude for magic than normal humans.

Inherited godly powers: Conduction and generation of electricity. While not at the deadly level of his father's, it still packs quite the punch; the closest Haldor can get to Thor's level is summoning a lightning bolt, which can be rare. This power can have an effect on electronics such as powering or shortcircuting them. He can be prone to giving people small static shocks on accident. Haldor can sense oncoming storms. He can get a "feel" if a storm will be a small drizzle or raging typhoon, but not much else. As Thor is also a fertility god, Haldor has a bit of a greenthumb.

Weapon of choice: None, he fights using hand to hand combat. His fighting style is a mixture of mixed-martial arts, Glima (a traditional Nordic wrestling style), aggression, and instinct. Haldor will power his attacks with electricity, but he cannot do it consecuatively.

The Berserkers: Hamrammr, or "going berserk", is a transformation that takes one into the Berserker state. For the Úlfhéðar, like Haldor, they take the form of a wolf instead of a bear or boar. Unlike traditional werewolves, they can only transform with the use of runes. Each warrior has a specific rune, and utilizing magic, will go berserk once it is spoken. In this state, his normal abilities are enhanced tenfold at the cost of lucidness and increased aggression. He is not a complete rampaging bull, as animal instinct continues to influence him like followings orders from very close teammates or friends or reacting to the environment. He still retains some memories during his episodes, and it varies between events, but never the whole picture. However, the more aggressive and emotional he becomes, the more out of control he is, the less he remembers.


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Small description here

Stern, gruff, with a steel cold on his face that forces people to keep their distance. Haldor won't speak much with strangers and he would like to keep it that way through bored looks or a snarl exposing his fangs. Unless the person is being a loud nucance or he needs something, he won't approach them. Beneath his cold exterior, lies a legendary temper he constantly tries to keep in control to various degrees of success. He has a low tolerance for annoying, obnoxious, or ignorant people as well as those who give too much unwanted physical contact. Depending on how his day went, these definitions can have a high or low bar, but he is never the one looking to be angry. You would know to tread carefully once you hear a growl. However, he tries to keep physical altercations with others (particularly humans) to a minimum unless it's defense; the destruction of property is the usual result of an outburst. When not seriously provoked, Haldor can be cunning, knowing the value of lying and waiting before striking instead of running into the situation head first.

If you do get the chance to chat that lasts longer than a sarcastic quip or a "fuck off", Haldor is pragmatic and gets straight to the point. To the rare ones he trusts and are close to, you will gain a very loyal friend for life, one who is honest and open, and will defend them. He can be understanding, and while not the best at comforting others, will stay by their side the whole time. The sarcasm and "fuck yous" turn good natured, he becomes more welcoming of physical contact, and messing with his friends will happen every now and then. While he can be bias, Haldor is still a man who doesn't mince words and isn't afraid to call out the actions of his friends. He takes betrayals and broken trust very seriously, and will possibly lash out to even allies when they occur.


Caption here with a link.


  • Sheep and goats. Which leads to his love of petting fluffy things.
  • Fruit-based types of mead.
  • Sludge metal, black metal, death metal.
  • Hikes in nature or in the mountains.


  • Winter and snow storms.
  • Collars, things that cover his neck; the feeling of being constricted.
  • People making comments about his height or scars.
  • Power metal.


  • The gloves he wears are weighted, which he never takes off unless he's serious. He also wears weights around his ankles when he drums.
  • In his years of working for Odin, he's been to all Nine Realms except Niflheim and Helheim.
  • Thanks to his mother and working with sheep wool, Haldor knows how to sew (which can be helpful in battles).
  • Despite visiting Midgard every now and then, Haldor still spent over ten years in Asgard, so his knowledge about the ongoings of Earth and pop-culture is spotty.


Character, date.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer id porttitor massa. Phasellus ut ipsum massa. Praesent viverra metus orci, in vestibulum nisl tincidunt et. Aliquam sagittis imperdiet diam, ac varius ante fermentum nec. Integer felis ligula, placerat at ullamcorper consectetur, mattis ac urna. Nulla vestibulum mollis arcu ac malesuada. Aliquam erat volutpat. Duis interdum lacinia congue. Vestibulum ac ornare justo. Vivamus eu elit ac mi tristique pulvinar ac id nisi.

Character, date.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer id porttitor massa. Phasellus ut ipsum massa. Praesent viverra metus orci, in vestibulum nisl tincidunt et. Aliquam sagittis imperdiet diam, ac varius ante fermentum nec. Integer felis ligula, placerat at ullamcorper consectetur, mattis ac urna. Nulla vestibulum mollis arcu ac malesuada. Aliquam erat volutpat. Duis interdum lacinia congue. Vestibulum ac ornare justo. Vivamus eu elit ac mi tristique pulvinar ac id nisi.

Character, date.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer id porttitor massa. Phasellus ut ipsum massa. Praesent viverra metus orci, in vestibulum nisl tincidunt et. Aliquam sagittis imperdiet diam, ac varius ante fermentum nec. Integer felis ligula, placerat at ullamcorper consectetur, mattis ac urna. Nulla vestibulum mollis arcu ac malesuada. Aliquam erat volutpat. Duis interdum lacinia congue. Vestibulum ac ornare justo. Vivamus eu elit ac mi tristique pulvinar ac id nisi.

Character, date.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer id porttitor massa. Phasellus ut ipsum massa. Praesent viverra metus orci, in vestibulum nisl tincidunt et. Aliquam sagittis imperdiet diam, ac varius ante fermentum nec. Integer felis ligula, placerat at ullamcorper consectetur, mattis ac urna. Nulla vestibulum mollis arcu ac malesuada. Aliquam erat volutpat. Duis interdum lacinia congue. Vestibulum ac ornare justo. Vivamus eu elit ac mi tristique pulvinar ac id nisi.

Character, date.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer id porttitor massa. Phasellus ut ipsum massa. Praesent viverra metus orci, in vestibulum nisl tincidunt et. Aliquam sagittis imperdiet diam, ac varius ante fermentum nec. Integer felis ligula, placerat at ullamcorper consectetur, mattis ac urna. Nulla vestibulum mollis arcu ac malesuada. Aliquam erat volutpat. Duis interdum lacinia congue. Vestibulum ac ornare justo. Vivamus eu elit ac mi tristique pulvinar ac id nisi.