*Hyun Py.*



3 years, 9 months ago


  • Hyun

  • Age 15-20
  • Gender Bigender (she/him)
  • Species Raccoon mix/Child of Okkjuk
  • House/Clan Pyridekk | Droken
  • Playlist
• Rambunctious • Upbeat • Defiant • Impulsive • Graceless • Escapist


Hyun is an honorary member of house Pyridekk, and "apprenticed" to Beastguard, Brutus Pyridekk. Like many things in her life, she’s managed to worm her way into this position, and she isn’t entirely sure how. Nonetheless, his life has taught him to be resourceful, and he will take advantage of it for all it’s worth!

Most creatures find Hyun to be quite annoying when they first meet her (and then for some time afterward… or forever), but that’s okay, she is quite used to it! Hyun is a talkative creature and always bursting with questions about others and the world around her. He likes to get to the point of the matter, and his straightforwardness can sometimes come off as rude or insensitive. Hyun also tends to put on an overconfident and somewhat egotistical persona, always calling herself a “huge/big creature” or “powerful creature” – much opposed to his actual, small, stature. From Hyun’s experience, when you’re annoying in that kind of way, creatures either ignore her or underestimate her actual capabilities – which makes it much easier to get away with certain things (and is also much preferred to being pitied). In reality, Hyun’s self confidence is rather lacking, so he uses it to lie to himself and stay upbeat as well. Luckily, very few creatures have gotten close enough to him to see past this persona, so he doesn’t have to face reality that often.

Hyun has been on her own for much of her life and is used to taking care of things by herself. Most every older creature in her life has disappointed her in some way, so she sees little point in listening to anyone but herself (she’s scraped by this far after all, she has to be doing something right). Hyun finds herself sometimes doing the opposite of what others tell her out of spite, and is adept at stirring up trouble (both purposefully and unintentionally). Yet, there is a part of him deep inside that still wishes to please, to impress. To have another creature be proud of him. So he works hard, learns new skills. Even if he fumbles often, maybe looks like a fool, he keeps at it. Because the more she knows the more useful she is. And if she’s more useful, creatures may tolerate her just a little longer.

To those he’s opened up to, his bombastic persona takes a step back, and he is capable of being very gentle and thoughtful of others. Although she doesn’t bother with complex or philosophical concepts, and she’s sometimes laughably bad at putting her thoughts into words, she notices much more than creatures give her credit for. Above all else, Hyun has a hard moral compass. The world may be run by zeitholes, but by all hells, she’s determined not be one of them.

Magic Affinity Damaged, recovering. 30%

Demeanor Talkative, Excitable

Strength Not afraid of looking stupid

Weakness Hates accepting help

Mentor(s) Brutus (Rershasud: Kesska)


  • PLANTS!!
  • Forests
  • Fire
  • Soup (esp w/ potatoes n celery!)
  • Being up high


  • Rain/Water/Swimming
  • Tea (bleh)
  • Creatures bigger than her >:/
  • Wide open areas
  • Prissy ceatures


Underneath all that fur, Hyun is sticks and bones. We do not talk about this. This is one of the many reasons why she hates geting wet/swimming.

Likes to collect plants/flowers and press them into his notebook!! For years, he just had clunky, ratty tome that he carried wherever he traveled, but since staying at Pyridekk with Brutus, he has been able to have multiple books of pressed plants!! She likes to write down the dates of when she found particular plants or what she was doing when she found them. Also has an interest in plants in general, loves reading anything and everything about them!! Brutus got him into gardening as well :-)

When excited, her tail can be truly dangerous. Stray mugs and glassware beware.

Didn't actually know how to fly until 16ish. Was ashamed of it, but no one ever bothered to teach him (+ having to keep the wings a secret didn't help...). Once Ame finds out (as they find out abt the wings bfr Brutus (accidentally) ) they teach him how to fly, despite not having wings themself. This goes as well as you would expect, but eventually they both figure it out.

After Ame finds out, they bond over having been taught that there's something inherently "monsterous" about them, and try to fight this mindset together. While Hyun can mostly hide these monsterous traits (her wings) Ame can't (their species) so they lean on eachother whenever creatures are being nasty to them, best being able to understand eachothers perspectives among their friends.

Ame and Hyun go on fun flights together since they are the only ones among their friends who can fly :-). Ame badgers Hyun to fly with them whenever they can tell Hyun is going through it, as a distraction, or when they've been hiding their wings longer than what's healthy.

Hyun loves to listen to Brutus play guitar and thinks she is very cool because of it!!! Hyun isn’t musically inclined (further than kinda being able to sing) so he is awed by anyone with musical talent! Brutus thinks it is very cute and will tease him lightly, but is mostly flattered.

before she became Brutus’s apprentice, she was living in a cave in the woods. She had decorated the cave up with pinecones and boughs of fir trees, along with various tools she had made and things she had stole. Nonetheless, it was still pretty damp and depressing looking. Brutus was appalled but not surprised. To this day, Hyun doesn’t tolerate anyone making fun of her cave, it was her pride and joy >:(( !!! (Although she will admit it’s much more comfortable living with Brutus at the Pyridekk, just not out loud).

Planning anything? Ever? Hyun doesn’t know what that is.

Hyun mixes up words lot, especially those that sound/look even somewhat similar. This can cause some disastrous but hilarious misunderstandings.

Has a habit of hoarding things. Also just yoinking and stealing things, she can be verrrry sneaky. If food is left out, it will not be left out for long. Also likes to steal Brutus's scarves and cloaks, and particularly hir dearly loved centibee plushy. If asked, she will give things back, but not without a hefty amount of whining (partially to mask her embarrassment, depending on the situation). A good measure of how much Hyun likes a creature is how much she's yoinked from them.

Not very good at keeping secrets :x . She doesn’t tell anyone on purpose, things just... slip out. She always feels really guilty about it when it happens and tries to make up for it if she can.

Why eat an actual meal when you can down several caffeinated beverages? This doesn’t work for Hyun really, yet she keeps on doing it (much to Brutus's displeasure).

Hates to admit it, but he is incredibly touch starved. Has been conditioned to be wary of physical touch due to creatures treating her badly once they find out she’s a child of okkjuk (also because… Regardless of child of okkjuk things, creatures tend not to like her general existence… loud, dirty orphan kid isn’t a very good thing to be she’s found). Although hesitant, once comfortable, Hyun soaks up affection like a sponge. Will make himself as small as possible to curl into another creature’s side. Also likes to fall asleep against others, but only those he really trusts.

Child of Okkjuk Related Trivia

The physical taking out of her wings is always a little bit painful (more so if she isn’t doing it often enough). Bundles of concentrated, sharpened keyaa burn through the flesh and fur of her back and rise upward, sprouting feathers and molding into complex structures once they meet the air. When healthy, this is only an uncomfortable but short-lived stinging sensation, but when unhealthy… Hyun can be blinded by the pain for a few minutes, and sometimes even pass out. (It can also be a bit bloody and messy…)

when she hasn’t let her wings/tusks out in a long time, it can make her back/jaw ache something fierce and render her irritable and tired. (If he wanted to be healthy, he would let them out at least once or twice a week for a couple hours at a time. This rarely happens, but Brutus encourages her to get into the habit and badgers her about it often).

Even though the wings look translucent/like you wouldn’t be able to touch them, they are very much physically there. They have a hot, silky texture when healthy, and a tepid, peach fuzz/shag carpet texture when unhealthy or unstable.

Does very much enjoy having his wings pet/preened, but is very hesitant with it. Most creatures have not been kind towards his wings in the past. Generally only lets Brutus and Daejn preen her wings.

Oh yeah probably biggest (but still most painful) perk of being a Child of Okkjuk, he can't fucking die. Or he can die (and has, many many times) but he'll just come back. generally reviving can take a couple hours to a couple days depending on severity of injuries.


Backstory EDIT 4/8/24: wow 80% of this is outdated/noncanon now um so lol.

Paraphrase/WIP for now. and 90% of this is for my own reference, i don't expect any of y'all to read all this unless u wnt to LOL.


  • had parents but they were neglectful. Lost and forgot Hyun (perhaps on purpose) when she was around 9.
  • Hyun traveled alone for a couple months, then stumbled into Vodohayak, the shroom plateaus (the most populated/governmentally organized area in Pippaf). Hkoa, the capital of Vodohayak, took notice of her orphan status and put her in a sort of foster care system. After a number of failed clan/family placements, Hyun had had enough, and she ran away from Hkoa and Vodohayak at large at age 11.
  • For the next 4 years, she lived alone. She traveled all throughout Pippaf and followed whatever opportunities she could, attemping to avoid keyaa overexposure, starvation, and Okkseuja along the way. She stayed with other creatures/clans occasionally, but never depended on them truly and was always on the move.
  • She stayed for half a year in the pirate city, Kan, north of Raarkajkr and within the flying cliffs. She learned a number of invaluable skills while staying at the floating city (and made some later useful connections).
  • (Age 14) Had a falling out with some of her associates in Kan, and while attempting to traverse the sea of Da Ova, gets trapped within The Wastes. Manages to escape The Wastes after 3 months, and has much lasting trauma from the experience.
  • turning point in Hyun’s life: when she found the divine instrument of Doa, The Needle of Anguish.

The Needle of Anguish, Brutus, and house Pyridekk

  • Although she didn’t know what the golden needle actually was at the time, she knew it was important and that it was important she had found it. She carried it with her for a while, followed where it encouraged her to go (she didn’t know how an object could encourage anything, but it just a certain energy to it, she couldn’t explain it). She tried to hide it under wraps of cloth so that other creatures couldn’t steal it, but later discovered that anyone but her gets burned when they touched it! (which had to mean something right??). More than anything else, protecting the needle gave her life a purpose that it had previously lacked, a meaning. It gave her meaning. Because surely she had to be important, had to be worth something, if she was the only one who could touch the needle?
  • But she wasn’t the only one who could touch the needle without burning. Through various shenanigans that landed her among the Pyridekk house and as Brutus Pyridekk’s apprentice...
  • (COUGH aka I have not plotted this all the way through yet COUGH. Big paraphrase: traveling with the needle was causing an increase of keyaa anomalies across Pippaf. Brutus and Ame, as beastguards, were sent to fix these and ran into Hyun. Both of their houses wanted the needle and more or less just stole it from Hyun, who had little power in this situation. Hyun convinced house Pyridekk, who won claim of the needle, that they needed her around because she was the only creature who knew anything about the needle therefore she was useful. Without a place to stay, Brutus offered to look after Hyun, Hyun reminded her of her younger siblings and she liked Hyun’s spunk.)
  • ...It was discovered that August Valencia was the chosen bearer of the needle. Hyun could still hold it, but she was not chosen by it. And although she wouldn’t admit it aloud, this hurt quite a bit. With the needle now transferred to house Valencia, Hyun feared for her place at Pyridekk and with Brutus. Brutus reassured her that she had not only taken her in for her knowledge of the needle, and Hyun focused on her magic studies/apprenticeship under Brutus even more than before, desperate to prove her worth.

Recovery and Daejn

  • uhhhhh more shenanigans I haven’t plotted all the way through yet: Chrrris catches wind of Brutus (with Hyun) plotting against the royal houses/sniffing where they aren’t supposed to – Chrrris retaliates and physically assaults Hyun as a warning to Brutus. Chrrris and his goons beat up Hyun pretty badly and break her horn, the source of her magic.
  • Recovery is shit for Hyun, and she goes into a period of depression and hopelessness. This lasts several months (maybe half a year??) as she slowly climbs out of it. With her horn broken in half, she is unable to do any magic for a long while without pain. Even then as she slowly recovers, her magic endurance/power never returns to what it once was (although it does improve enough for her to do small bits of non-complex magic without pain). Apart from affecting her magic, her horn injury also gives her chronic headaches/migraines for a while and makes her prone to spells of dizziness. These also ease significantly after a year or so of her injury/physical therapy and such, but don’t go away entirely throughout her life.
  • Of everything, Hyun’s self-confidence/self-worth takes a major dive after her horn is broken. In her eyes, without the needle and without her magic, there wasn’t anything worthwhile about her. She believed there wasn’t a reason for any creature to stay with her if she wasn’t useful to them in some way, and now that she was injured and in recovery, she was the opposite of useful/helpful – especially to Brutus, who she now had to lean heavily on. Brutus does her best to reassure her otherwise. (And if it was obvious yet, a big part of Hyun’s character arc is realizing and understanding her own inherent self-worth)
  • while in the midst of her recovery, Hyun makes a (semi-accidental) discovery, a secret hidden deep within the Pyridekk manor. She finds a strange creature called Daejn. Although she doesn’t know their name for some time, as they can’t talk for a while. Truthfully, Daejn is barely recognizable as another creature when she initially finds them. Still, while being around Daejn is a little unsettling, Hyun feels drawn to them for some reason – the same kind of feeling she got from the needle.
  • Hyun continues to visit Daejn, and the more she does the more Daejn begins to resemble another creature, becoming more expressive and eventually talking. Hyun finds talking with Daejn to be a comforting distraction. She feels less strange about the recovery of her own trauma when it’s apparent that Daejn is recovering from something as well.
  • Through more shenanigans I haven’t plotted…: Hyun and Brutus find and investigate Renfinus’s secret labs, and his experiments, which Daejn is one of. Daejn’s memories are a bit scrambled, but they managed to explain to Hyun/Brutus that Renfinus has been draining their magic for several centuries and that Daejn is part of an ancient species called Kretyaa.
  • They all put it together that one of the reasons Renfinus is so magically powerful (and practically immortal), is because he’s been using Daejn’s drained magic all this time. Brutus and Hyun work to break the spell binding Daejn to Refinus and also free Daejn from the Pyridekk manor – get them somewhere else (which they were going to do anyways, but freeing Daejn also makes Renfinus able to be killed, which Brutus has been trying to figure out how to do for a while, so that is another motivation).
  • cont. later lol


[ Family/Best Friend ] Yes, Brutus has threatened to punt Hyun off a cliff multiple times. Yes, Hyun regularly calls Brutus a hokking stupid idiot zeitspitting sheep. Yes, they are best friends. Although Hyun’s fur would fluff up in embarrassment if he admitted it aloud, Brutus truly does mean the world to him. He'll always have Brutus's back, will take hir words with more consideration than any other creature's. After all, When Hyun had believed he would inevitably be alone for the rest of his life, and was relatively accepting of this fact, Brutus happened and changed pretty much everything. Even if Brutus only offered him a place at Pyridekk out of pity at first, and didn’t know exactly how to handle Hyun’s exuberant yet biting demeanor, Brutus tried when all other creatures had given up. Tried, and kept trying. Even when things got a little gunky. Even when his horn broke or when xe discovered his wings. Xe tried, until xe had managed to weasel hir way past Hyun’s walls. And then xe stayed. Not out of obligation, but because xe genuinely wanted to, genuinely wanted Hyun. Now that was new. And if Hyun was honest, he didn’t really know what to do with it.

All in all, Hyun looks up to Brutus greatly, and is always overjoyed to spend time with the older creature. Whether it’s listening to Brutus ramble on about magic, or Hyun jabbering on as he helps Brutus water the Pyridekk gardens, or hanging out in companionable silence – occasionally interjecting with a fond insult or something utterly random, you can count Hyun in. Hyun owes so much to Brutus, and wants to pay it back in whatever way he can. Even if that means he ends up following after hir like a lost duckling.



[ TBD ] .


Renfi L. Pyridekk

[ iCKY!! Gr oSS! ] At first Hyun hated Renfinus because Brutus so clearly hated him. Then once she learned more about him, the ways he’s taken advantage of other creatures, all of his frankly horrifying science/magic experiments, his general self-centered and nasty demeanor… oh yeah, she HATES Renfinus. Most creatures have a healthy fear of Renfinus, considering his magical powers can be likened to the deities, however Hyun just thinks he’s a dumb looking purple piece of zeit, and would probably say it to his face if not for Brutus begging her not too. What’s he gonna do, kill her? She’ll just come back and insult him again. Hyun also despises Renfinus because he willingly associates with Chrrris, which she cannot fathom why. (+ once she discovered what Renfinus had done to Daejn... then her hatred became personal) In short, Hyun is 1000% on board with Brutus’s plan to murder Renfinus.


Ame Valencia

[ Older Brother figure ] Hyun met Ame at the same time they did Brutus, but it took her much longer to truly warm up to them. Though considering at the time Brutus and Ame were at eachother’s throats and Ame had little kind motives towards Hyun, it isn’t all that surprising. The more Hyun tagged along with Ame and Brutus on their Beastguard ventures however, she saw more sides to the storm spirit. (Ame was also much more into Hyun’s mischievous shenanigans and pranks than Brutus was, so this was definitely a contributor. They both enjoy teaming up to bully Brutus as well). Ame additionally formed a sort of camaraderie with Hyun once they discovered she was a Child of Okkjuk – being able to relate to other creatures fearing and ostracizing her for it since he had experienced the same as a storm spirit. He helped her a lot with coming to terms with her origins and to stop hating herself for something she couldn’t help – learning to love, or at the very least, accept, her Child of Okkjuk traits.

Hyun has a lot of respect for Ame and sees him a bit as an older brother figure, though she’s a little more cautious around him than Brutus. Hyun thinks he is rather mysterious, and as much as she’s interested about it, she knows he doesn’t like to talk about his past and is rather emotionally reserved (which she can’t really fault him for since she’s the same way). Either way, Hyun thinks Ame is fun and cool and hopes he’ll open up to her eventually.


August Valencia

[ Lanky brother :) ] .


"Ghost" Garvey Amaranth

[ tired old man ] .


Chrrris Pyridekk

[ Hated/Fears ] Chrrris and his goons physically assualted Hyun and broke her horn. Also Hyun thinks that Chrrris sounds stupid and is a zeitspitting spak who likes making trouble for Brutus (and not the fun kind of trouble!!). Hyun believes that Chrrris is honestly worse than Renfinus because he's motivated by cruelty and power. Renfinus sucks, but he's never trying to make other creatures miserable. For Chrrris, that's a goal. Though she'll put on a brave face, Chrrris scares Hyun. She goes out of her way to avoid him if she can, being around him makes her feel ansty and... small.


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