


3 years, 11 months ago


Pâquerette (Daisy)
10 Seasons
La Beaute du Printemps
Un Collectionneur d'Herbes
Snow, Foraging, Hunting, Mice, Kits
Storms, Relaxing, Exploring, Hares, Rough Terrain
Daisy is a friendly, intelligent, and honest she-cat. She loves helping others and will go out of her way to help those who need it. She can be rather blunt, not too worried if it'll hurt the other cat's feelings. She's a natural hunter and can easily chase down her prey. She often has strange dreams of cats she doesn't recognize and living a life as a healer, until the dream inevitably ends with her being crushed by a large boulder. As such, she tends to stay away and avoid rough terrain when possible. Daisy is very friendly towards outsiders and tends to trust them. She wishes to be the best hunter of La Beaute du Printemps, and is well on her way. She's also met an elder named Stone and discovers that she previously a member of Glacialclan and that Stone was her father. Since then, she has begun following Starclan and spends lots of time with her father. The two have become especially close and Daisy feels like she has someone to depend on. However, after trying to run against Roi Bramble during the elction, her life has become rather miserable. Stone was locked away in prison and Roi Bramble clearly doesn't like her. As such, she has distanced herself from everyone besides Finch, who too is rather disliked. Although Daisy has no desire to become a healer again, she enjoys helping Finch and looking for herbs together.

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