Talan Tadeo🌊🌠 (AUs)



6 years, 10 months ago


  • Talan Tadeo

  • Age 23
  • Gender Male
  • Orientation Pansexual
  • Role friend
  • Alignment Neutral Good

"Let them stare."

Talan is flirtatious and playful, easily capturing people's attention with his energetic storytelling and grand gestures - when talking he is animated, embodying the people he's impersonating and filling his voice with inflection as his whole body moves to tell the story. Although his physical form might make him seem intimidating, Talan carries himself in such a way to negate this, being warm and friendly with enthusiastic but gentle movements. Being very people-orientated, despite his difficulty maintaining focus, he puts great effort in giving people his undivided attention when they're speaking, but may on occassion need to ask someone to repeat what they said a few times. Provided the surroundings aren't too distracting, Talan is an engaging conversationalist, being a devoted listener who gives all the appropriate reactions of gasps and sympathetic noises and groans and so on.

Despite his somewhat short attention span, Talan is incredibly perceptive, being greatly skilled at reading people. This helps him to be especially good at supporting people, what with him being impossibly generous when offering advice and comfort. He doesn't hesitate to dive headfirst into people’s problems, undaunted by crossing people's boundaries if he believes it can help them. His perceptiveness with regards to people's feelings, ease of getting along with peoples of all kinds, combined with his vast and varied life experience grants him wisdom disproportional to his age.

Conversely, he is very secretive with his own problems, seeming more open than he really is. Underneath his friendly and laughing exterior lies a fear of commitment and being tied down, and a strong reluctance to bare his problems to other people. Talan is somewhat detached from his emotions, particularly negative ones, to the point where even he himself struggles to recognise when something is wrong. It takes much practise and attention to detail to recognise the miniscule changes in Talan's expression that mark his true feelings.

His anger builds very slowly, like a great wave gathering height - growing greater and greater until it looms, threatening to collapse in upon itself, or come crashing down. His patience may seem endless, but it does have a limit - pray you don't find it.


DoB: 12th May 1997 (06:45)
Origin: tbd
Height: 6'3" (190.5 cm)
Build: Muscular
Demeanor: friendly, cheerful
Theme: The Mask
  • Mikhael
  • sharks
  • beaches
  • staying still
  • slow-paced activities
  • cold weather
  • Struggles to sleep without someone to hug - his bed has a lot of heatable plushies to try combat this.
  • Sun in Taurus; Moon in Taurus; Ascendant in Gemini.
  • Greatly enjoys cooking, and is excellent at it.
  • Often swims in the ocean.
  • When lacking sleep, he is energetic and wakes quickly, but after a good night's rest, Talan is groggy and slow to wake up fully.
  • His smile is actually carefully-maintained stoicism; his reactions are very controlled, and his composure rarely breaks.
  • When unable to sleep, he often bakes at strange hours of the night, especially when stressed.



- No One True Story -

Talan has lived many different lives in a myriad of worlds, each taking a different path. A few are detailed below.

Modern AUs

A few years after his birth, his father, Trosten, divorces Talan's mother, taking custody of Talan and his two older brothers, Lulian and Jei. His father remarries (a kind lady called Eris), Talan gains a younger sister, Kydis, and Talan's childhood is spent with a chaotic but loving family. Confident, enthusiastic, and cheerful, Talan has no problems befriending all manner of people, never hesitating in offering company or empathy. Trips to the beach and local aquarium fosters a keen love for the ocean in Talan, which develops into a particular fondness for sharks. This love and interest shapes much of his future plans.

Not excelling academically (showing much higher prowess for sports, especially swimming), Talan's entry into higher education is a struggle. Either failing his A levels and retaking them, achieving low grades that grant him entry into uni with a foundation year and having to later resit a year (varies according to the AU), possibly with a gap year thrown in for fun - Talan makes it somehow, securing a place on a marine biology course (or similar). He definitely joins the swimming club. In some AUs, Talan works part-time to help fund his course/living expenses - his jobs range from aquarium staff to barista to courtesan to lewd patreon-

Typically this is where he meets Mikhael and/or other characters; shenanegins ensue.

- Fan AUs -

Because I can't stop myself.

Attack on Titan

His family had travelled to one of the outer districts to visit his cousins - to congratulate one of his eldest cousins on her pregnancy. Wall Maria was compromised; they arrived in time to see their deaths, but not in time to say goodbye, or even hello. As chaos reigned, Talan's family broke apart, getting separated from each other. With one family member being half eaten by a titan and then discarded, the agonised relative begs Talan to kill them. Talan, merely a kid at this point in time, fulfilled their wish. Then he ran, small enough to slip through cracks in rubble and hide in tiny places the titans couldn't reach, eventually finding another of similar age - dazed and bloodied - grabbing their hand and pulling them to safety.

This boy, Mikhael, (at Talan's belligerant insistence to the guards) was sent with Talan to Talan's remaining family, where Talan's grandparents raised the two boys as their own. Together they join the cadets, then the scout regiment. Tragedy ensues.


A Gryffindor, excelling at potion brewing (less so the theory side of it) and care of magical creatures. Regularly brews water-breathing potions to visit the merfolk in the lake. A keeper on the Quidditch team, he's taken many bludgers to the face from Mikhael, a beater on the Slytherin team. Often takes to wandering the castle halls and secret passageways at night, - "sometimes sleep is hard to find, so I find other things instead."

My Hero Academia

His quirk grants him the ability to manipulate water, with fluids of equal saltiness to seawater being easier for him to control. This means blood is easier for him to control than tapwater, and Talan's discovery of this in early childhood greatly scares his parents - after skinning his knees from falling over, Talan manipulates his own blood, ending up drawing more and more from his scrapes without realising the extent of his bloodloss. Later waking in hospital, he learns of a boy named Mikhael with a flesh regeneration quirk, who donated the blood for the transfusion that saved Talan's life. Eager to show his gratitude, Talan spends a lot of time with Mikhael (who spends much of his early childhood in hospital) even after his recovery, becoming close friends with the often bed-bound boy.

Hell yea hero school



[ lover ] Theme: Sleeping At Last - Two

Regardless of universe or circumstance, these two lovers are perpetually destined to find each other - be it in tragedy or joy. Though clothes and steps may differ, their dance is always the same; through gentle teasing and persistence, Talan eventually succeeds in winning Mikhael's heart and convincing Mikhael of his love for him, after which they soldier through thick and thin together, overcoming difficulties and fears and insecurities with their eternal loving support for one another.



[ brother ] Theme: song name

Talan's eldest brother; Jei is short tempered and gloomy. Jei's irritatbility coupled with Talan's boundless cheerfulness has led to them clashing often in the past, but their relationship has mellowed out a great deal since growing older. They may not seem very affectionate, but there is a quiet sort of unspoken love between them and they would both fight the world for the other's sake... just after they'd thoroughly poked fun at the other's predicament, first.



[ sibling ] Theme: song name

One of Talan's older siblings, Lu is soft-spoken and more interested in reading and research than anything else. Although they never really fought, a fair number of arugments used to erupt between them, usually because Talan wanted to play and his older sibling wanted to be left alone. Despite this, no real animosity ever built up between them, and the two share a gentle, warm affection. Lu's disliking of physical affection stops Talan from hugging his elder sibling too much but the two enjoy cooking and gardening together — the former being Talan's forte, and the latter being Lu's.



[ sister ] Theme: song name

Talan's younger sister. Although Kydis openly favours Jei (striving to be like him and emualte his aesthetic), Talan dotes on her dearly and Kydis only pretends to resent it. As much as Kydis acts all cool and detatched and uncaring, she undeniably craves physical affection more than Talan's other siblings, which suits Talan just fine. Over the years an unspoken arrangement has been built: Kydis often comes to Talan in secrecy for cuddles and comfort, usually whilst playing a game together or watching a film, sometimes with Talan dutifully listening as Kydis rants about whatever is bothering her and offering what support he can. He knows better than to let this shared ritual become known to anyone else — Kydis has worked hard to craft her cool-hearted badass persona.
