Joseph viceroy



3 years, 11 months ago



 Joseph viceroy 




 Cis male 






 New York 


  • Animals
  • Biscuits with jam
  • Wrestling
  • Bear hugs

  • Snakes (hes scared)
  • Being under pressure
  • Conflict
  • Oysters

  • Volunteers at a local animal shelter!
  • Takes part in a boxing club on occasion :)
  • Claims he can fit his fist in his mouth
  • Very good stamina










  • Exuberant
  • Steadfast
  • Kind/loving
  • Fair-minded

  • Foolish
  • Impulsive
  • Absurd
  • Overbearing

A lovable, yet loud and brash sweetheart who seems nice to literally everyone, basically a huge himbo. Hes a huge ray of charismatic sunshine and always finds a bright side. He loves to play fight with all his relatives and takes pride in his strength but also tries to be gentle when he feels is needed.

Most people get offput by his loud and oftentimes dumb demeanor but he never took it to heart. Despite his lack of brightness he can be very insightful at times with his own organic wisdom (to others surprise) making him a very good friend, once hes loyal to someone hes highly protective and supportive making it hard to break said loyalty unless something big happens to ruin his trust. Hes even more protective of his family and like his sister he would pick fights with those who's wronged his family and wont hesitate to stick up for them and worries quite a lot for them.

He rarely never gets mad like just like his aunt and even finds it hard to be mean but when hes genuinely mad or at his limit, hell breaks loose and its hard to contain him. Hes also not one to want to argue a lot but will go off if he feels hes right. He does tend to worry over his little brother and cousins but it's eased off lately.



Born in 1904 in the southern American cities to his parents Henry and Margret, after his older sisters birth, their parents decided to get married and joe was the product of said wedding, afterwards Ronald was born, unfortunately, their mother died soon after Ron's birth, leaving his father a single dad with his aunt Marie to pitch in to help.


He was around 5 when the family moved to be with his uncle Harold and his new cousins, growing up he was the more kindhearted of the trio and was picked on for being soft, thankfully he was naturally tough so he managed to make people back off eventually, he tends to be overprotective of his little brother due do him being the most skittish when he was younger causing bulling and his sister doing eldest sibling things like teasing ron a lot. He gained a lot of strength as a teen and quickly became the heavy lifter of the trio.


He currently works in a mini shop his dad started and likes to go to Boxing clubs and animal shelters in his spare time. He also spends time with his sister, part of it just to help her not cause too much trouble.


NAME  relationship

Info here

NAME  relationship

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NAME  relationship

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  • Main colors hes associated with are bright yellows!
  • Always keeps his sleeves up
  • Same face shape as his dad, also has stubble + some beard hair goin on
  • Usually his clothes are more disheveled, hes lazy like that :p

 OFFERS  Never 


 SHIPS  Open to it!