


3 years, 9 months ago


Formerly a practiced traditional alchemist, Gilford found himself traveling down a rather unusual path in alchemy after experimenting with (and, eventually, developing an addiction to) unstable concoctions, originally designed to take down MOABs. Finding himself somewhere in between two different branches of alchemy, Gilford has found his calling both in his old rubber-to-gold potions and the unstable mutagen he can't seem to tear himself away from- his beautifully-marbled pink-and-gold potions combine the properties of both, converting some matter to gold (working best on lead and rubber, but having a slight effect on other things too) as well as having mutagenic properties when introduced to the bodies of his fellow monkeys. (He tries to save the plain unstable ones for drinking but the dude has probably accidentally consumed gold once or twice.)

Because of his unstable concoction addiction, Gilford's body has been slowly altered over time. Some of his skin is permanently tinted pink and a fair bit of his fur has grown longer than normal and been tinted cerulean-blue. Deep down he does kind of hate how dependent he is on the stuff, but he doesn't usually think much about it- especially not on the front lines.

Pretty good friends with Tristan (and Tristan tries REALLY hard to get him off the concoctions).