Suga Tanaka



3 years, 10 months ago


Gender: Male

Age: 18 (U.A. 3rd Year)

Quirk: Expense Inducement

Description: User can induce expenses on anything they touch whether it being the limits of someone's quirk or making someone do something such as turning the wrong direction while driving!

Quirk Type: Emitter

Personality: He is a mysterious boi who doesn't open up really when it comes to him. Though he does like proving how strong he is. He’s also not above using people when it benefits him, however it’s not like he’ll go to lengths to do it. Only when opportunity knocks on his door.

Fun Factos: 

  • he's half Japanese and half Korean, he's actually bilingual since he didn't move to japan until he was 12
  • Suga lives with his father and step dad since his parents divorced when he was pretty young due to personal differences, however they try to do co-parenting with him despite living in different countries. However Suga could really care less about his mother since he's never been close to her, he dreads having to visit her and would rather not have to. He also has a younger half brother named Suho that his mother had with his other step father. He at least tries to get along with him but Suho just really isn't interested in his older brother.
  • Suga is a total pillow princess but he can get easily jealous, he just won't show it so for anyone he dates it can be hard for them to pick up on.
  • He's actually pretty good friends with Kaiyo since their pretty alike, he actually crashes at his place sometimes when he doesn't feel like dealing with his family. Which is something Kaiyo can relate to since he has a rather fucked up family of his own.
  • lives off of energy drinks, he needs them for the fuel.