


3 years, 10 months ago


My main from the adoption center

 First form - Second form - Third form

She is a dazzling dancer who adores traveling the lands meeting new types of people and buying new types of clothing. 

Basic Information:

Gender: Female
Pronouns: She / Her
Sexuality: bisexual
Star Sign and/or Birthday: Aquarius / Febuary 15th
Adjective to describe them: 
Traveling with: Aloysius

Short personality description:

       Overall, she is quite outgoing and sweet. She is absolutely fascinated by anyone she meets, and she often finds herself to be the object of their fascination as well. This is due to her career choice becoming a part of who she is. She adores her dancing, and so has gotten used to constantly making the way she moves as enchantingly and captivating as possible. She is also a sort of fashionista who loves putting elegant outfits together from all of the distant lands she has impulsively bought things from.


    She doesn't have too many memories of her parents or her childhood. The two clearest memories she does have is sitting under a large tree having a picnic her friends and their families, and being on a little rowboat in the middle of a large still lake with her parents with the soft sound of yelling echoing. After that, she has this large gap in memories until her first performance. Something about making having the attention of so many people shifted something in her at that moment. Since then she has been filled with a passion for dance without even so much as a thought of trying to regain the rest of her memories. There must be some reason they are gone, and so she is fine with them staying that way.

    Due to her bad habit of getting in everyone's personal space while bombarding them with questions, she made a new friend, Aloysius. He hadn't felt cared about in the way that someone just simply listening intently to what he had to say made him feel in a very long time. At this time she had been traveling alone looking for the next place she will be able to perform. Both of them had no place in particular to go or anyone to return home to. So he offered to travel with her for the time being until their paths went separate ways to repay her for her kindness, but by the time either one of them had different places to go they didn't actually. want to separate from each other.

Random facts:

Hobby/Hobbies: Traveling, getting to know people she is not familiar with, clothing shopping, and dancing (she not only does it as a job, but she also enjoys it enough to do it as a hobby).
Quirk(s): Whenever she becomes curious about something or someone she can't stop herself from touching them.
Favorite Flower: Lavender Roses
Favorite Food: Anything that is flower related, such as rose macarons.

- She has angels wings tattooed on her back.

- She owns at least a hundred pairs of unique earrings. Who knows where she stores them all... They have to be nearby her when she travels though because every day she has a new one on.