


3 years, 11 months ago


First form - Second form

He is a worn-out warrior ready for a change of pace, and something a little lighter

Basic Information:

Gender: Male
Pronouns: He / Him
Sexuality: Straight
Star Sign and/or Birthday: Leo / August 5th
Adjective to describe them: 
Traveling with: Kasdeya

Short personality description:

       He is a worn-out warrior who has traveled far and wide to find new sparring partners to sharpen his blade and new armorers who have the newest types of armor. He worked tirelessly to stay on top of the game so he would always have the upper hand on any opponent. Yet, now he was tired and wanted to find a slower and more relaxed adventure. One where he could still do good and help protect others, but without the endless worry. An overprotective brother sort, he will go out of his way to offer advice or a hand to others. He worked hard to get the strength he has now so why shouldn't he use it to do the little good he can. On that note, he is an incredible worker. When he gets dedicated or obsessive about a task you can consider it done.



Random facts:

Hobby/Hobbies:  He doesn't have many hobbies. The only things he focused on was wandering and training. Now that he has put training aside he only really wanders now. Although, he does tend to sneak in and watch Kasdeya dance when he has a chance. Of course, you can't get him to admit that.
Quirk(s): He will sometimes pretend to be asleep to avoid having to talk to others.
Favorite Flower: Black tulips
Favorite Food: Steak and kabobs
