


3 years, 11 months ago



"I don't care for violence, but I will see my pact through no matter what."

Nickname Lady Pan
Gender Female
Species Eelum
Pact Status Active
Shoulder Fluff (U)
Hip Fluff (U)
Neck Nazar (U)
Designer AcyFaust
Masterlist [dA]


‣ Reserved and aloof, Pan spends the vast majority of her time with only herself for company. She doesn't have much interest in wandering far from her forest and prefers to stay close to the things she protects. She doesn't have any close friends to speak of, but she doesn't seem to mind.
‣ She is rather detached from the rest of the world and doesn't understand much of anything that happens outside of her forest. Pan is often lost or clueless whenever anyone tries to speak with her about current events or other happenings outside. Some of her language is outdated and inconsistent; she has picked up various words and phrases from the bloodline that she holds a pact with, but the original interactions are so distant in her memory that she only recalls some of them at random.
‣ Pan is always well-mannered and treats others respectfully, even if they are aggressive or rude to her. She tends to believe that treating others that way will bring them around to acting the same. However, if anyone causes harm in her forest, she tends to take on a high and mighty approach, harshly scorning them.
‣ The only times that she travels out of her forest is when seeking out new adult members of the bloodline she's contracted to, specifically to renew the pact with them. She tries her best not to go outside for any other reason, especially since she understands so little of the world and wishes to stay true to her pact.


‣ Pan was summoned by a man who wanted to have a dedicated protector for a number of priceless items that he owned. Part of her pact included that she would have all decisions over anything related to the protection, as long as she remained loyal to the man, who was head of the family. Pan was given a small shrine in a nearby forest of her choosing. At first, her summoner visited frequently to check on the protections she set up, but his visits grew less frequent as time went on. Eventually, she felt compelled to seek him out, and found the man on his deathbed. Her final promise to him was to continue her protections and to make sure that her pact remained active with the next head of the family.
‣ From that point, Pan considered herself tied to the family bloodline. As generations came and went, she made a point of seeking out new family members, always visiting them on the eve of their seventeenth birthday to ensure that her pact remained secure with them. These visits became important to the family, who began to equate her appearance as full acceptance into the bloodline. Pan ignored anyone who was adopted into the family. However, she could also sense and locate any illegitimate children, so long as they carried the same blood. This sometimes caused internal chaos for the family, but Pan never concerned herself with such details. She only knew loyalty to the bloodline, and it was no concern of hers if said blood wasn't "proper".
‣ She spent a lot of time reinforcing her own protections, slowly adding on to and rebuilding the original shrine that she was given. As it grew to look more like a temple, outsiders began to take more notice of it. Rumors spread that it belonged to a deity of the forest. Various individuals began to make offering and donations at the temple that Pan had built. A few core members of the family that she held a contract with still recalled the details of her history and encouraged such rumors. They personally oversaw construction of additional elements outside the temple, including stairways and torii that marked entrances.
‣ At present, Pan still protects the treasures that were entrusted to her. She also considers the surrounding land and forest to be under her jurisdiction, and she tends to it faithfully. A variety of benign spirits have also made her forest into their home; Pan allows their presence as long as they do no harm within the boundaries of her forest.


‣ Pan has an incredible amount of physical strength. She can lift things more than twice her own weight, and has remarkable punching and kicking strength. She doesn't really like how rough and boorish her strengths are and she will put off fighting as long as she can, just so that she doesn't have to show them to anyone.
‣ She relies on the confusing layout of her forest to baffle intruders and she would rather scare them away than have to fight. Pan is an expert at getting around through the trees and bamboo around her, often climbing or jumping between plants to get around.
‣ Her magical powers are rather mediocre and more for show than anything else. Pan has a natural affinity with water and only really uses her magic to make sure that everything in her forest is sufficiently watered. This is mostly through rerouting the few streams that wander through the forest; she summons rain only on very rare occasion, and can't manage to call up much more than small showers.


‣ Pan's full height is 5ft 10in, and her smaller form is 2ft 4in. She tends to prefer her larger size when meeting or interacting with others formally, but a lot of her time alone in the forest is spent in her smaller form.
‣ Her body is covered in fluffy, fur-like feathers, including on her arms and legs.
‣ Since the longer feathers in her tail are flexible and bend easily, Pan can't glide very easily. She likes to rely on her surroundings when descending from heights, sliding down bamboo poles or slowing herself by holding on to branches in trees.
‣ When folded, the ends of her tail are long enough to trail along the ground.
‣ Pan's forest covers a large area, which spans across a valley and up the sides of a mountain. The heart of it, which is closest to her temple, is primarily covered in bamboo, and much of the outer edges are comprised of large old trees.
‣ While she can eat just about anything, Pan has developed a preference for bamboo shoots and stalks.