


3 years, 10 months ago



"Miss it? They don't even know it's here. I'll make sure it goes somewhere it can be appreciated!"

Nickname Whit
Gender Male
Species Eelum
Pact Status Inactive
All common
Designer Glyf
Masterlist [dA]


‣ Whittaker is arrogant, fickle, and and something of a troublemaker. He feels that his opinion is more important that othersand he has a hard time keeping his mouth shut when he wants to say something. He doesn't really care if his thoughts or actions cause problems for anyone else, as long as the end result doesn't cause bigger problems for him.
‣ Although he's been summoned a number of times before, Whittaker isn't interested in creating any new pacts. He purposely avoids being called by anyone and will fight to retain his freedom. While he very much enjoys being on his own, he doesn't dislike the company of others, especially other Eelum.
‣ He is a collector of shiny things. Whittaker likes to get his hands on all things sparkly, bright, or reflective. The more hidden something is, the more he wants to find, see, or own it. While he has no qualms against stealing things that catch his interest, he won't put in a lot of effort for things that are easliy seen or currently being worn by others. He will definitely take the time to admire, but he doesn't see the point in taking something that's in a position to be seen by others. There have definitely been times where he has raided jewelry boxes, cabinets, offices, dens of theives, or other locations that have held hidden treasures. He will go through a lot of effort to locate rumored treasures, especially if it's for some sort of mystery item that no one has seen.


‣ Like most Eelum, Whittaker was happy to be summoned and contracted. At least, that was the case in his earlier years. It didn't take long before he started feeling like an accessory to the masters who called him. He turned into something of a problem for his masters, going out of his way to act rebelliously whenever he felt underappreciated. None of his contracts were ever broken, but he did reach a point where he refused to accept any new ones.
‣ Whittaker has a base/shop on his home world of Taozen, which he uses to display the treasures he finds on other worlds. He rarely hides anything away where it can't be seen. He decorates both the inside and outside to show off what he's found and to make sure that everything is arranged in a way that it can be appreciated and seen by others. The interior is overly decorated, but he's quite happy with it. He will happily sell or trade items that he has, provided that he believes the new owner will properly appreciate the item they are getting from him. Occasionally he will accept jobs to find things for others, but it can take him a while if it isn't something that's interesting to look at.
‣ Most of his time is spent wandering around through various worlds, chasing after rumors of treasures or simply trying to uncover lost or forgotten items that deserve attention. He's very fond of locating other Eelum and checking on their situations. Whittaker doesn't particularly want to find any of them being treated poorly; if he dislikes how things look, he may try to stir up trouble. Sometimes it leads to the other Eelum being released, but most often, it ends with them being more appreciated by their masters for resolving whatever problems Whittaker causes.


‣ His specialty is ice magic. This typically manifests as sharp shards of ice, which can vary in size depending on Whittaker's intentions. He uses it as a weapon, for creating foot or hand holds while climbing, or for creating smooth pathways over rough terrain. Although the ice he creates is cold, he can't actually alter the temperature of a room unless he coats it in ice.
‣ Sometimes, he will use his magic in a gentler way, creating small snow flurries. He usually does this only for show, and doesn't see much use in it for anything other than a distraction. The snowflakes will last as long as they're in the air, but typically melt once they land on any surfaces.
‣ Whittaker has a very sturdy body and he can take a lot of damage, if he has no other option. He really would rather not get hurt if he can help it.
‣ He is exceptionally skilled at escape. Whittaker is an expert at dodging attacks, finding cover, and creating opportunities to run. He finds it fun to have his skills challenged, and he may return to places that he's unwelcome just because he knows it could end in a chase.


‣ His magic is somewhat unbalanced; Whittaker is able to somewhat limit his abilities by having his left eye covered. When he has both eyes free, he takes on more of a feral nature.
‣ Whittaker has a rather long tail, which he can easily manipulate. He will allow it to rest on the ground when he's stationary, but he hates to have it drag whenever he's moving around.
‣ He has a distinct preference for black or dark-colored clothing. He is quite proud of his appearance and enjoys wearing things that are fitted or well-tailored to him.
‣ The jewelry that he wears is constantly changing. Whittaker has various stashes of shiny accessories that he has collected over the years, and he very carefully chooses matching pieces to wear.
‣ His favorite items vary wildly in price and quality; this includes, but is not limited to, genuine gold and diamonds, glass beads, mardi gra necklaces, sparkly dice, metal keychains, strands of pearls, buttons, etc. Everything is treated with the same amount of care and may be hung where he can see it, laid out over flat surfaces, or gathered into clean jars or bottles that can be placed in sunlight.
‣ Whittaker's design is loosely based off of a white celestial parrotlet.
‣ He does not have the lynx ears trait (R). Whittaker's ears are located on the sides of his head, not the top. Their default angle is upright to indicate that he is feeling curious, alert, or happy.
‣ Whittaker has a huge crush on Memphis because she's the most beautiful shiny thing he's ever seen in his life. But since he's never had to talk or interact with the shiny things he collects, he doesn't know how to tell her. Their interactions consist of him showing up without warning, abruptly gifting her shiny trinkets, and then running away.