astronomia blue [f2u]



3 years, 9 months ago



A character profile based on PK-Astronomia's character app! F2U for other characters as well.

  • Uses bootstrap colors and is mobile-friendly.
  • Credits: photos | layout


  • Be cool. You can move or edit the credit, but don't remove it.
  • You can edit/frankenstein my codes however you want as long as all coders are credited & allow this.
  • Don't redistribute them, edited or not.

"quote goes here"


character name

nickname(s): Unknown

species: Unknown

age: Unknown

pronouns: Unknown

sexuality: Unknown

birthday: Unknown

height: Unknown

profession: (Does your character have a job, or self proclaimed job title? e.g. bounty hunter, pirate, monster fighter, traveler, courier, rebel etc.)

crew, title: (Are they a member of a crew? e.g. Steel Skies, Navigator. If none, write N/A. )











Play Rough
Fairy Physical
The user plays rough with the target and attacks it. This may also lower the target's Attack stat.
Move Name
Type Special
Move description
Move Name
Type Status
Move description
Move Name
Type Category
Move description

"how do you people come up with so many quotes"

| personality |

+ positive trait | trait | trait +

= neutral trait | trait | trait =

x negative trait | trait | trait x

Your personality paragraphs/information will go here.

We suggest listing three positive personality traits, three neutral traits, and three negative traits, as well as writing a little bit about each one in order to have a passing application Here is an example:

  • 3 Positive traits (Like courageous, adaptable, ambitious, or disciplined.)
  • 3 Neutral Traits (Like secretive, modest, absentminded, or reserved.)
  • 3 Negative Traits (Like abrasive, cynical, dishonest, or melancholic.)

Your character has always been adaptable, able to overcome any situation that gets thrown at them in one way or another. You go on to describe how this fuels into their other personality traits-- perhaps their ambitious nature leads to them having to be so adaptable, as they frequently find themselves in sticky situations. They are disciplined due to the way they are raised, but courageous because of it.

They are also incredibly secretive, never really sharing their personal life with those around them. Their emotions and thoughts are well preserved, and they don’t really talk much. You should write about how your characters personality can affect those around them-- perhaps some find them to be very mysterious, and others find their modesty to be charming.

Sometimes when writing about personality traits, it isn’t uncommon for more traits to come up. I would also see this described character as someone who is humble. Here is a friendly reminder that smart isn’t necessarily a personality trait, but rather a character trait. You could try using ‘wise’ instead!

All characters have a bad side to them, even if they aren’t really that bad. How do these downfalls affect those around them? How do they personally feel about their negative traits, if they are aware of them? This character in particular has a tendency to be incredibly dishonest-- and they know it! They’re working hard to actively stop lying, but it’s become second nature to them. They are a little bit abrasive when it comes to the company of others, often throwing insults or rubbing them the wrong way.

| history |

Your characters history should be at least 3 paragraphs and must answer the following questions:

  • Where are they from?
  • What was their childhood like? How about their family?
  • When and why did they decide to leave where they were raised?
  • What are some of their interests and how did they come to obtain them?
  • Has anything happened to them that shaped them as a pokemon?
  • Where do they spend most of their time now?
  • How do they spend most of their time now?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam diam turpis, tempus quis elit vitae, condimentum posuere lectus. Aenean quis nisl tempus ligula porttitor imperdiet. Praesent vitae odio convallis, vestibulum dui vel, imperdiet velit. Integer porttitor laoreet aliquet. Fusce luctus malesuada dolor vel pellentesque. Nam sit amet rutrum nunc. Praesent at mauris at sapien suscipit blandit id nec dolor. Duis nisl ligula, imperdiet non cursus in, lobortis vitae arcu. Ut tempus dictum cursus. Donec sed arcu quis purus tincidunt cursus. Aliquam ex lectus, mollis ac justo ac, hendrerit accumsan leo. Maecenas vitae felis malesuada, rutrum sem eget, consequat nisi. Curabitur convallis egestas fermentum. Nulla pretium vestibulum felis, a facilisis lacus sagittis vel. Donec feugiat bibendum mollis. Mauris vel finibus enim, vel blandit nibh.

In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Donec sagittis eros vel urna congue aliquet. Donec nisl velit, laoreet ac laoreet mattis, rutrum eu purus. Sed gravida tempus lectus, sit amet tristique dolor ornare a. Donec non luctus nisi. Nullam nulla mauris, semper ut erat id, accumsan consequat sem. Ut ultricies, nisi quis consectetur porta, purus nibh feugiat justo, ut suscipit nunc elit quis est. Duis vitae dictum quam.

In aliquam vel mauris eget tempor. Ut non fermentum magna. Cras venenatis mi eget felis venenatis aliquam. Donec ante augue, feugiat ac scelerisque nec, commodo sed neque. Etiam mollis consequat dictum. Donec ut ante tempor, pretium erat id, maximus tellus. Mauris a nisi sapien. Nullam at porttitor erat, vitae rutrum dolor. Curabitur sagittis condimentum nibh, id euismod felis lobortis ac. Nunc eu purus malesuada diam consequat ultrices vel sed nulla. Etiam convallis ante a consequat pharetra. Donec et quam et metus dignissim scelerisque.

| extras |

theme song(s): Unknown

hobbies: Unknown

fun facts: text here or

  • bullet
  • points
  • here

catchphrase: Unknown