


7 years, 3 months ago


Ophelia Solberg

Age 20

Race Human

Gender Female

Sexuality Bisexual

Height 5'9"

Weight 140lbs

Build Athletic

Skin #FDC19C

Eyes #DB9033

Hair #640018






DoB:April 9Sign:Aries
Fav Animal:EaglesFav Color:Wine Red

"If I ain't gettin paid it ain't none of my concern"


  • The rush of a good fight
  • food
  • sunny days
  • napping


  • Reading
  • People who conflict with her ideals
  • Rain
  • Being bored

Confident • Brash • Optimistic


Ophelia is a light-hearted and hot-headed young mercenary who travels the world sightseeing and taking odd jobs for coin to cover her travels. She is adept with shortswords, spears and lances. She loves taking in local sights and especially sampling the foods of different places. Despite having a magical affinity for fire like her mother, she is not skilled at controlling it and can't utilize it in any useful way. Her hair flares and glows a fiery red when she gets angry or frustrated. She can be reckless and has a tendency to attack those who antagonize her. Ophelia has a strong affinity for lightweight armors and armors that allow her a full range of motion. She loves modern clothing like short skirts and shorts but still loves the traditional clothing of her homeland very much.

Her tan skin is covered with freckles.


Ophelia was born and raised on a small island off the coast of Belvast called Bulkkoch Island. (Note: The island draws a lot from asian influences mostly japanese, chinese, and korean. Hence the name of Ophelia's mother and the clothing that she is accustomed to wearing) When Ophelia was born she inherited her mother's abilities. When Ophelia was young she showed no interest in temple life and much more interest in playing with the young boys in the village. Her parents entrusted her to a teacher to train her in sword fighting but she proved to be oddly incapable of weilding them and would often melt the swords she was weilding out of frustration. Her affinity for fire is just as high as her mothers but a lot less predictable. She only have a vague concept of how to control the fire within her soul but has shunned almost all attempts by others to help her learn to manipulate it. When she was 16, mercenaries from Ulahd happened across the island and Ophelia became entranced by their strange armor and weapons (specifically lances and spears) She begged her father and mother to let her leave with the mercenaries and after much assurance from the leader of the mercenaries, (Gareth) who had taken a liking to her spunk and drive, they conceded to her leaving for a time. Ophelia left with the mercenaries and learned the way of the spear and even underwent training for knighthood in Emain. She wanders with no real goal except to make a name for herself and see the world.


Her mother's name is Hyeon Myeong and her father is Asger Solberg. Her father was not native to the island and ended up there when his ship was hit by a massive sea storm. He fell in love with Ophelia's mother who was the head priestess of the island.She possessed an extreme affinity with fire which was inherited along her family line for centuries. She was referred to as the Jinhong Manyeo and was revered by the island residents and seen as an emissary to the gods. Ophelia has the strong-headed-ness of her father paired with the magical affinity of her mother. She loves both of them dearly and makes frequent trip back to Bulkkoch Island to visit.


Ophelia is a mercenary trained in the style of the knights of Emain Macha. Though she underwent the training she was never knighted due to her perceived laziness when she became bored of training. Despite the lack of credentials she is a brutal warrior. She is light on her feet and very observant in battle.



[ Friend

Oktayvia and Ophelia met during Ophelia's training for knighthood in Emain Macha. Despite the two being polar opposites the two became fast friends. The two play off each other's strengths during battles, Ophelia being the melee tank and Octayvia being the spellcaster.



[ Friend

Sorual and Ophelia became friends during the latter half of Ophelia's training in Emain. Despite Sorual being "obnoxiously arrogant" according to Ophelia the two formed a fast bond over riding and treasure hunting.



[ relationship

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