✱ Ukife ✱



3 years, 9 months ago
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"Oh, inner demons are a metaphor?"

Name Ukife
Age N/A
Alias Ghosel
Gender N/A
Sexuality Unknown
Pronouns she / they
Status Functionally deceased
Race Rabbit

Design notes
  • Ghosts in/around hair
  • Cute kidsy poses preferred, nothing suggestive
  • She has rabbit ears.
  • Please don't change main elements of design; otherwise, creative freedom!
Reference Image

Is it possession if it's voluntary?

Ukife is a little medium, not very skilled in guiding souls to the afterlife. Instead, they tend to bond with her and follow her around.

She's promised most of them that she'll help them move on soon, but they provide her with an aura of death that has prevented her from being accepted by any psychics thus far (due to them being afraid that she is some kind of harbinger).


solitary social
observant dense
logical emotional
organised messy
assertive turbulent

Skills and Talents

She can tie spirits to her using their bones. This makes her tired, more mentally than physically, but it is taxing.

Getting into trouble

What small child does not have a penchant for causing havoc when left unsupervised?

Ukife is no exception to this; just because she tends to play silly pranks doesn't mean they aren't trouble.


She is a pampered youngling without much history behind her yet.


  • The ghosts are tethered to her by bones tied unobtrusively in her hair.
  • She and the ghosts cannot communicate; they cannot speak verbal language.
  • She is good-hearted but short-sighted.

Misc. Stats
Aesthetic Ice cream
Alignment Chaotic good
Psyche Stable
Sin Indecisiveness
Virtue Generosity

Designer @scooby-snaxx
Obtained 11/1/2020
Status Entertaining offers
Value $40+