Madison 🍑



4 years, 2 months ago



Name Madison
Nickname Maddie
Age 8 years old
Pronouns She/her
family Oldest Child
Role none
Status NFT
Theme Peaches

Madison is a kindhearted, ambitious 8 year old. She is a tad vain, loving to dress up. Despite being ambitious, Madison is extremely quiet and pretty much only talks when she is with Milo, her best friend.


  • Being liked
  • Peaches
  • Art/Crafts
  • School


  • Being ignored
  • Nighttime
  • Being alone


Madison is a carefree, ambitious cat with a dream to see the world. However, she is also extremely shy, talking only with Milo.


Madison is shy when around those she doesn't know, but with her friends, she is extremely talkative. She is also very, very, ambitious. Madison can also be a little vain, loving to dress up.

At School

Madison joined Elementary School halfway through Kindergarten. She made a friend, but they moved away toward the end of the year. So Madison started first grade not knowing anyone, so she remained pretty much friendless until she met Milo. On his first day of school, she offered to pair up with him as no one else wanted to. Milo was very quiet, which made Madison a little nervous, but they were soon talking. Milo told her about growing up at the orphanage, and Madison talked about their school. The two hit it off immediately, and Milo invited her to a sleepover at his house. Madison was a little late, and a relieved Milo told her he thought she would never show up. The two talked late into the night,and have been inseparable ever since.



Milo [ friend ]

Madison met Milo on his first day of school when they were partnered together for a group project. Both were shy at first, but warmed up to each other quickly and became instant friends.

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