Ren and Jun (Jun Akita)



2 years, 4 months ago



Name Jun Akita
Called Jun
Age 20
Gender Male (He/Him)
Height 5'10" (178 cm)
Species Human (Japanese-American)
Role College student
Demeanor Composed

"Monday, Wednesday, Friday, I got in trouble. Tuesday and Thursday were a little unlucky."

Jun is cool, smart, and a little disorganized. Aside from being dragged around by his more optimistic friends, Jun enjoys watching movies and listening to music in his room. Despite seeming annoyed and overwhelmed, he really appreciates the few friends he finds himself spending the most time with. Currently, Jun is a junior in college and majoring in film and media studies. He spends whatever free time he has left over procrastinating on his assignments and subsequently rushing to get them done in time.


  • Taking photos
  • Collecting photobooks
  • Watching movies


  • Cold weather
  • Hot weather
  • Cats (he's allergic)




Jun is definitely the “cool artist” type. He takes things at his own pace and despite being a little awkward, people find him charming. While people seem to like him and pursue him for friendships, Jun always feels somewhat unsettled by it and oftentimes ends up with a lot of very surface level relationships. Jun typically comforts himself by thinking it’s better than being left all alone but he can’t help but feel a little jealous of things like childhood friends or people who have “their person” so to speak.

Underneath the cool persona is a film fanatic with a soft side who cries at the emotional parts of movies. Not many people get to see this side of Jun unless he feels comfortable enough with them. Even then, he doesn’t exactly want to show anyone that part of his character. Jun is just socially a little awkward and gets flustered easily but does want to try breaking out of his shell some more.


Jun is currently a college student living with his close friend, Ren. He’s majoring in film and media studies but truthfully, still doesn’t quite know what to do after graduation. He’s passionate but somewhat of a pessimist. Rather than chip away at what’s bothering him, Jun finds himself immersing himself in photography in order to “take a break”. While it puts his mind at ease to spend time doing something not quite related to his “work” it doesn’t help the actual problem.


Jun is half Japanese and lived in Japan until he was 10. At that time, his parents got divorced and his mother took him and his older sister back to America. Afterwards, his father remarried and started a family. Jun and his older sister go back sometimes during the summer to visit.

His mother had to travel a lot for work so Jun and his sister are pretty independent and get along well. They both came out to each other on the same day by mistake and somehow, it strengthened their bond. Their mother is also supportive and made it very clear that any of their partners are welcome into their house. After Jun got accepted to college, he was a little worried about leaving his mother alone but one night over dinner she admitted she had started seeing someone. Jun was still somewhat wary about it but once he met his mother’s new boyfriend he felt at ease that she would at least have someone good to spend time with.

Jun and his sister, Hana only have a 2 year age gap and have been taking care of each other for a long time. They accidentally came out to each other when they were in high school because they were both so nervous and tried to tiptoe around the subject so much that they thought the other was onto each other. It ended by the two of them loudly declaring that they were bisexual and lesbian. They laugh about it now and reminisce over the many times they’ve shared their relationship troubles with each other throughout the years since then.


  • He claims to like every genre of film but his favorites are always the ones that make him cry. Though he’ll never admit it because he gets embarrassed about it.
  • He really wants to get a tattoo but he's worried it will make it difficult for him when he visits his family in Japan.
  • Every time Jun or Hana senses that the other is feeling out of sorts, they send each other a picture of a small animal doing something so stupid it’s cute. This is also how they start most of their conversations over text.
  • He has a bad habit of smoking but has been trying hard to quit. Ren leaves candy in Jun's pockets in the hope that he will pick those over cigarettes.


  • He claims to like every genre of film but his favorites are always the ones that make him cry. Though he’ll never admit it because he gets embarrassed about it.
  • He really wants to get a tattoo but he's worried it will make it difficult for him when he visits his family in Japan.
  • Every time Jun or Hana senses that the other is feeling out of sorts, they send each other a picture of a small animal doing something so stupid it’s cute. This is also how they start most of their conversations over text.
  • He has a bad habit of smoking but has been trying hard to quit. Ren leaves candy in Jun's pockets in the hope that he will pick those over cigarettes.

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