Hayden Garcia



3 years, 11 months ago



Hayden is a 20-year-old bold and brash kind of woman. She is determined to become a famous fashion designer. Her long-time childhood friend, Ken, has been used as her model for most of his life. She has a strong personality and most of the time will walk up to strangers and begin a conversation.

Her family is moderately conservative and doesn't agree with some of the choices she makes, especially her attitude, style, and face modifications.

Sun Sign 🌞 Leo

Moon Sign 🌙 Virgo

Ascending 🌟 Aries

Originally from Chicago,IL, USA ➡️ attends the main university in New England.

  • outgoing
  • trendsetter
  • ambitious
  • dedicated
  • eclectic
  • teasing people
  • being active
  • talking
  • her friends
  • dancing

Hayden comes from a surprisingly conservative family. She was never able to express herself, so whenever she was able to be independent, she started showing her true self.

Hayden has goals to become one of the world's most recognizable fashion designers, she loves fashion and often asks friends or even random strangers if they would like to model for her new clothing lines.

Hayden had previous relationships with both males and females, but they don't tend to last very long as she is constantly in need of a muse or inspiration.

More Info👝👗👡
  • Hayden dislikes: liars, hateful people, disagreements, people who interrupt, being boring, reading

Marigold Sinclair

Hayden thinks of Marigold as a little cutie pie, she loves hugging her and giving her kisses on the cheek and forehead before they go to class.


Marissa Locke

college buddy
Hayden loves taking Marissa to different events and shows, she has fun being around her and enjoys her company~


Kenneth Penn

Childhood Friend
Ken is constantly annoyed with Hayden but doesn't really have any other friends to hang out with anyway. So he just sticks around to have someone to complain to.

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