Valeriya Comen



7 years, 4 months ago


:bulletpurple: NAME: Valeriya Comen
:bulletpurple: AGE: 24
:bulletpurple: HEIGHT: 5'6
:bulletpurple: BODY TYPE: Petite perfect body, average chest size/ hips
:bulletpurple: ACCENT: Russian
:bulletpurple: RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Taken if you're wealthy enough
:bulletpurple: HISTORY: Valeriya, the middle child of the Comen girls. Daughter to a powerful rich demon. Her mother is truly unknown, born without purple skin (Which is considered royal in the Comen bloodline) the girl is usually ignored by her father. Valeriya's powers..were weak but she will never admit it- Perfect, the single word the demon girl will describe herself as. Perfect, Perfect Perfect. Valeriya was commanding, belittling, wicked, a true demon. She, like her sister, feasted on the souls of people who wished to mate with her. Unlike her sister, Valeriya found it more Delicious to make her meal fall in love with her, eating them only after admitting their feeling towards her. On her 19th birthday, she moved to the surface, the human world, wanting to try their souls instead. Falling IN LOVE with human men, Valeriya started working as a high end mistress. Only dating/sleeping with the most wealthy of young and old bachelors. 
In her human form, Valeriya is VERY different, she is kind, gentle, and alluring. Attracting anyone she can get. Valeriya is always in her human form, only after her meal admits her love, will she shift into her demon form. She does not like her demon form, is more in love with looking human.

:bulletpink: ABOUT THEIR HAIR: The Comen bloodline keep a rich tradition, that no girl shall cut their hair till they find true love. When, the girls find that love, their bloodlust slowly disappears and the demons can eat normal food and get full on that. When they find that mate, A Comen girl will cut their hair at their neck. To symbolize that they are starting a new life, a new adventure with their mate.