Narcissa Comen



7 years, 4 months ago


:bulletblue: NAME: Narcissa Comen
:bulletblue: AGE: 18
:bulletblue: HEIGHT: 5'4
:bulletblue: BODY TYPE: Curvy, Large hips and chest, thicker waist than her other sisters
:bulletblue: ACCENT: Russian
:bulletblue: RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Single
:bulletblue: HISTORY: Narcissa, the youngest of the Comen girls. Daughter to a powerful rich demon. Her mother had stayed with the demon man for many years before having the young Narcissa, leaving the child with her father when she was 8. Being left over a small gold necklace with a blue pearl, the child hid it from her father and the rest of the family. Narcissa was a strange one growing up, refusing to eat the soul of others, the girl became a vegan. Kind, understanding, graceful, Narcissa HATES that shes a demon. Even having her father love doesnt help the fact that she wished she was something different. Her powers will someday be greater than her sisters, her horns and skin color show it. On her 18th birthday, Samora had taken interest in her younger sister, taking the girl under her wing to show her how to be a true demon. One desperate night, Narcissa called her sister, Valeriya and asked her if she could stay with her for a month in secret. 
So Narcissa started her adventure in the human world. Not wanting to even be known as a Comen, the girl changed all of her outer appearance, making herself look like a true 18 year old girl. Finally being able to wear the necklace her mother left her many years ago.


:bulletpink: ABOUT THEIR HAIR: The Comen bloodline keep a rich tradition, that no girl shall cut their hair till they find true love. When, the girls find that love, their bloodlust slowly disappears and the demons can eat normal food and get full on that. When they find that mate, A Comen girl will cut their hair at their neck. To symbolize that they are starting a new life, a new adventure with their mate.