
3 years, 11 months ago


Craggle is a 54 year old man, though he doesn't always seem to remember he's own age, along with he's clan of origin, though he's apprentace Benery tries to remind him all the time that it is indeed the (sester) clan. 

Craggle was born to a middle class family in mid (insert). He lived near a big village but was rasied in the woods because he's father couldn't handle being around too many people at once do to he's unforcatate looks. So only once a month (unless something else happened) Craggle and he's mother would go into town to sell the wood and meat dad had gotten and buy what they need in that time. A young Craggle loved to show off all the cool things he's pet sheep could do, because he had trained the thing well,in fact he seemed to be born with a great ablity to train most any animal, but only used it on he's pet sheep. Though out the years more and more people in the town once a month would come to see he's sheep do tricks he tought him. By the time he was 12 people would even start giving him money to see what the animal could do. The older and older he got the more money he'd make, till finally the day he turned 17 he told he's parents that he was going to travel around all the clans to show off he's sheep training skills. He's parents didn't believe he could do it, but let him go regardless, telling him he could always come home. For 38 years he's been traveling, always coming home one a year to see he's parents, they where sad to see him gone a lot of the times, and more sad to not have grandchildren, but lucky by the time Craggle left they had started talking to the town's people more often, so they we're not as loney anymore. 

Craggle thought being mostly kind to people he met, was never quite normal pure say, he forgot things a lot and looked at everything in a strange way. He never gets mad at anything, only sad really, even then he isn't sad often even when he should be. Normally to most he's quite fun to be around for 2 hours, even he'll start to get on your nerves till you understand him better. He's helpful to most but doesn't understand how most people feel a lot of the times, so opening up to him may be a bad idea.

Craggle was named after he's grandfather, who was a warroir in the army, no one, not even Craggle's own father known he's real name, he was nick named Craggle by he's enimes, because the word was just as ugly as him, and he toke it with pride oddly enough. Sadly for our Craggle, this means having a bad name, which he doesn't seem to mind bareing. 

Normally he has two show sheep for the road and one in training, for you see sheep don't live too long. But now he's been down to one, though he's on the look out for a new one to train. Normally he gives he's sheep funny names (kind of like he's own name) to make chidlren laugh, which is why he's one remaining sheep is called Sheeplexington, of all things.

Noramlly Craggle is quite calm until something randomly intrests him deeply, then he probably won't shut up. He doesn't seem to even notice any of he's characteristics and is blissfully unaware of any danger he may ever be in, which is almost always a bad thing. 

He's apprentace Benery watches out for him a lot, making sure he doesn't get himself killed, given Craggle never does that for himself. Benery has no home to go to, so he go's everywhere he does, and makes sure no one steals from Craggle or ties too, which before they met that happened a lot. Benery is sort of a voice of reason to him and Craggle respects him greatly, even with Benery only being 16. though he's only been with him two years and a half, they know each other well and Craggle even considers him he's only human friend, a real friend anyway.

But Craggle has one more friend too, though he isn't truly one. He's only ever called the man in red, or just Red by Craggle, the man in red is a circus owner who whenever they happen to be on the same path, which happens a lot in summer, the man in red often likes to mess with Craggle, knowing full well he has some mental problems. Normally he does it only for the fun of it all, but other times he does seemingly have something to gain from it, which often has something to do with tricking Craggle into training animals that aren't he's, or even once stealing Craggle's sheep from him. The man in red doesn't want to hurt him physically, he just finds it funny how 'stupid' Craggle is to him.

Craggle deep down knows that Red doesn't care about him, but likes to have someone he's own age to talk to more then once, so he tries to ingore how crule he really is.   Overall Craggle is smarter then he looks, but only in some aspects. Like most people.