Xiang Ju



3 years, 10 months ago


「 Can you go to the restroom with me...? 」

scaredy cat ⚘ crybaby ⚘ nerd

⚘ Full NameXiu Xiang Ju
⚘ Age13
⚘ ClanXiu 
⚘ OccupationYichan Student
⚘ GenderFemale ♀ 
⚘ Theme SongA Tune of Yearning
⚘ BirthdateDecember 15
⚘ Relationship StatusN/A

cowardly · compassionate · tactful · observant · emphathetic · unambitious · cautious · evasive · impractical · judgemental 

Despite being in the Xiu clan, Xiang Ju is terrified of the spirits and ghosts that hover around her clan compound. Not only is she scared of ghosts, she is also afraid of many other things (ranging from snakes to spiders). She is hesitant to try new things that she categorizes as dangerous, her fear often consuming her to the point that she wouldn’t even consider any other decision beyond “no.” Xiang Ju is cowardly in that she rarely confronts her fears; the things she dislikes or fear tend to remain disliked and feared. She is extremely evasive and unwilling to put in the effort to change-- she’d only avoid. She’d rather walk 5 miles instead of 1 just to avoid the (low) possibility of stumbling across a snake. Xiang Ju doesn’t realize it, but her endeavors to avoid potential negative outcomes often require much more effort than if she were to actually just take the risk. Xiang Ju is too cautious to the degree that it often prevents her from trying out new activities since she is too hesitant. She is very careful and is the type to overpack for trips.

Xiang Ju is also incredibly unambitious as she only has simple wishes. She wants to live a simple life where she can just be happy, away from things that would stress her out. She has little desire for material goods, power, and even the acknowledgment of her peers is something she does not wish to actively pursue. Xiang Ju has little motivation which leads to her lack of ambitions; she is often content with what she has and does not desire to change the status quo.

While some of her clan members teased her for fearing ghosts despite being in the Xiu clan, a clan that specializes in exorcising them, they still indulged her and comforted her. Xiang Ju grew up to be very compassionate; she herself knew how it felt to be unable to control her own emotions (even she knew her fears were incredibly silly; she could purify spirits with talismans but they still left her feeling terror struck). Occasionally Xiang Ju can sense how frustrated others are with her inability to adapt; however, Juju is actually more frustrated than anyone else. She dislikes being a burden on others but she just can’t bring herself to face her fears. She just can’t control her feelings of fear. It is due to this self awareness that Xiang Ju never pokes fun at the fears and weaknesses of others. Rather, she tends to empathize with others. Being scared of so many things, she doesn’t want to trivalize the fears and experiences of others-- not when she has so many fears herself. Due to this, she is incredibly observant and sensitive to the feelings of others.

「 I...I'm a little (a lot) scared..」

Those in the Xiu clan grew up with the ability to see spirits and ghosts since they were little; it was a natural thing and most people got used to it. The vicious spirits were taken care of while the friendly spirits were even companions. Some however...never could get used to the ghoulish presences. Xiang Ju…. Xiang Ju is terrified of ghosts (and snakes. And worms. And spiders). No matter how her parents and clan members had reassured her, she’d end up bawling even as a baby. Out of concern for her health, her parents provided a special seal that would block out the ghoulish presences. The seal was in the shape of a diamond (with many runes etched into it) and placed onto her forehead. It was designed to lose power over time, slowly filtering in the ghosts once again in hopes she’d be able to adapt to them in this way.

When Xiang Ju was 9, the last remaining power of the seal scattered away. Xiang Ju insisted on keeping the seal anyways, despite it no longer working. She had gotten used to its presence on her forehead, and it comforted her. Despite the hopes that she’d adapt to the spirits, Xiang Ju could not welcome the spirits with open arms. She was still extremely terrified of them, even if the spirits were her deceased grandparents, she’d feel a deep, all consuming chill. While the clan refused to provide her with another seal (they wanted her to adapt), her parents and the other clan members still indulged her and rarely left her alone for too long. Xiang Ju’s younger sister was also a comforting presence; she’d always hold hands with Xiang Ju. With this, Xiang Ju was able to slowly get accustomed to the spirits around her. While she’ll still silently scream at ghosts that randomly pop up and cry at the ones who suffered more grotesque deaths, she is a little better at tolerating them now…just a little. She still would avoid them at all costs if she could though.

Xiang Ju attributes her being chosen as a student for the exchange program to her (bad) luck. She was not looking forward to it...

「 Trivia 」

► Prefers to be called 'Juju.'
► Asks for help often... JuJu reacts in three different ways when scared. 1) silent screams. 2) scared stiff. 3) fainting away (rare)
► Has very neat handwriting.
► Extremely fast at making purifying talismans.
► Carries a lot of the tailsmans her parents made since they’re stronger than her own.
► Her pouch is filled with salt.
► When sleeping, she usually buries her head under her sheets in fear that she’d see something she didn’t want to if she opens her eyes.
► Makes an active effort to not be in an area alone.
► Sometimes chants buddhist scripts to calm herself down...can be intimidating to others.
► Voice: Yousa 1 | Yousa 2
「 Appearance 」

► Height: 5'0” | 153 cm
► Juju has blue hair that is often messy but styled into two knotted pigtails.
► Her hair is parted to show her forehead and she has three flower adornments.
► She has a blue diamond shaped charm on her forehead
► Juju can smile, but her default expression is a pensive/wary expression.
► Her eyes are rounded and brown/purple in color.

unknown.png▷ Haize  | ♢ kind · gentle · senpai figure ♢“He’s really quiet, but being with him makes me feel so relaxed.”
Haize was actually the first angel she met that was ‘imperfect’ just like her. As a result, she felt less self-conscious with him, finding a sense of comfort, especially as Haize is blind and unable to see her small wings. Due to Haize’s position as a Guardian Angel, Serena has only been able to see him three times.
unknown.png▷ Ezekiel | ♢ strong · food provider · smart ♢"He can be scary sometimes, but he always buys me food!"
unknown.png▷ Asura  | ♢ demon king · leech · strong ♢"I think he's a demon king!!! He keeps eating my food..."
3_by_mitski_tan-dbiwt1z.gif▷ Jisoo  | ♢ nice · dino · bug catcher ♢"Bugs are not meant to be caught..."
Chun thinks Jisoo is someone who always moves at her own pace...everytime he sees her, she is always doing her own thing whether it's bug catching or something else. He really likes her rain coat though, and almost asked where she got it from.
1_by_mitski_tan-dbiwq5g.gif▷ Alia  | ♢ annoying · loud · bossy ♢"She screams too loud...and is mean to Jiwoo!"
Alia is the only girl Chun's ever fought (??) with-- one time, Chun threw water at her like how a mother threw water at the poor girl her son loves uwu. Chun finds Alia to be bossy and always squints at her for how she treats Jiwoo. She's always clinging to Jiwoo.