


3 years, 10 months ago



Jewlery Maker

Name Magnesium
Pronouns She/Her
Orientation Bisexual
Age 60 (Human Years)
Species SkyWing
Occupation Jewlery Maker
Aftermath - Caravan Palace


Introvert Extrovert

Optimist Pessimist

Thinking Feeling

Apathetic Empathetic

Cautious Careless

Mature Immature

Lawful Chaotic

Good Evil


  • Jewelery
  • Polishing her nails
  • Taking care of dragonets


  • RainWings
  • Hecklers
  • Heat


  • Her eye spot is makeup
  • Can shoot acid from her tail
  • Super shiny

Magnesium is a middle aged SkyWing living in the Sky Kingdom. She works as a jeweler, using her own talons and her magic armband to create the jewelry of her dreams. She's well known by any long lived SkyWings and has a healthy business, that resides in her own cave. Her job keeps her quite wealthy but humble. Magnesium is very content and often visits various places around the kingdom to sell her jewelry. She knows just about everyone and keeps tabs on who comes in and out and what goes on.

Magnesium is strong, and can be very precise and gentle when she needs to. She’s a skilled fighter from her time in the army. Magnesium tries to hide her emotions and remain authoritative and stoic. She used to be just averagely kind, and more open to talk. (She never spoke much anyways). Now if she speaks it's to make sarcastic comments or remarks on the world around her. She is still kind and won’t objectively try to offend someone. She doesn’t get angry or embarrassed easily. She doesn't ever let her emotions show as to retain her imposing figure. Though she'd never attack someone out of anger or without reason, she carries an air about her that says that she's powerful.

Magnesium may try to remain an imposing and powerful woman, but she has a soft spot for young dragons. She can't help but see herself in them, and instantly become motherly. Though she never had a mate of her own, she still seeks one; at the same time, she seeks lost dragonets she might take as her own. She secretly longs to protect something in a sweeter more personal way, beyond how she protected her loved ones in the army.

Magnesium always has a low, and usually emotionless tone of voice. It doesn't sound evil, but just more, stoic. Sometimes it dips higher and lower accordingly to sentence inflections, like being surprised, or being threatening. Her voice can sound extremely menacing with the way she usually stands. Her voice almost has a sort of numbly rasp to it when she speaks in a lower tone. She is voice claimed with Maleficent from 1959's Sleeping Beauty.


When she was a dragonet, Magnesium picked up an apprenticeship with a jeweler some place in the middle of the Sky palace. Everyone took notice of her lovely metal work and jewelry skills, immediately giving her a good reputation.

Magnesium was apart of a legion called the Sapphire Army for many years. She worked her way up through positions until finally obtaining the position Lieutenant. She was then sent on an expedition to get intel about the invading dragons from the "Lost Continent". She was lost for quite a while, and lost her rank. She didn't' come back to the army for many years, and instead resided as a Jewelry Maker. She came back to the army at some point and relearned the ropes, but after the Army was disbanded, she left and became a jewelry crafter once more.

She was in the arena the day Scarlet was venom-ed by Queen Glory, and slightly despised Queen Scarlet. She was glad Scarlet was off the throne, but missed the fights. She’s the type of person who enjoys battles, but not ones that are unfair. Scarlet would often create unfair fights, which fueled her general dislike for Queen Scarlet. Magnesium distrusts RainWings, because of what she saw in the arena that day. She feels they could be lurking in any corner, and thinks she had an earring of hers torn from her ear one day by a RainWing (she did! It was Vitality, and that's where Vitality gets her Frill earring). She doesn’t dislike them, and definitely doesn’t think they’re lazy. She fears and knows that Queen Glory is going to work them back into a tribe to be feared.

A wandering animus once enchanted one of her golden bands to have the ability to turn any materials (the correct ones, as in metal, jewels, etc.) into anything in Mag’s mind. She uses this to make the perfect jewelry; the intricate designs can’t be done by normal hands. She can make any material, metal, jewels or not, into the thing in her mind. This can be things like sticks, sap, etc. to be formed into sharp objects, tools, and more. She can’t form living things; only objects deemed as materials.






Magnesium is very tall, elegant, and angular on parts like her elbows, horns, chin, etc. She noticeably towers over most other dragons because of her actual height, and the bonus height she gains when she holds herself high. She is a perfect orange color that isn’t bright or dark. Her horns are a red color, as well as the top of her head. Her eyes are yellowy orange, and her back legs and tail fade to a dark rusty orange color. She has two golden wrist bands on her wrists, golden horn rings, and a Skyfire necklace. She occasionally has other jewelry bits on her. She also has a tear in her right ear from an earring being pulled out of it. She is considered a pretty dragon.

Magnesium usually comes off as large and imposing, and dangerous. Though she'd never attack someone out of anger or without reason, she carries an air about her that says that she's powerful.

Design Notes

  • She wears many different kinds of jewlery often.
  • Her golden armbands are a must and she almost never takes them off.
  • Long neck!.
