


3 years, 10 months ago




Name Rosie
Pronouns She/Her
Orientation Unknown
Age 9 (Human Years)
Species SilkWing
Occupation Servant


Introvert Extrovert

Optimist Pessimist

Thinking Feeling

Apathetic Empathetic

Cautious Careless

Mature Immature

Lawful Chaotic

Good Evil


  • Her craft
  • Honey drops
  • Makeup


  • Queen Wasp
  • Dragonets
  • Actual ladybugs


  • Her eye spot is makeup
  • Can shoot acid from her tail
  • Super shiny

Rosie is a young and slightly timid SilkWing that lives in the home of a wealthy HiveWing Family’s home. Her lore takes place before the events of Arc 3 before SilkWings are freed (doing this for now until I rewrite her probably).

Rosie is always very kind and sweet, and loves animals. She’s small, and has a really soft voice. Her big coat makes her feel safe, and makes her appear larger than normal; despite this she only goes up to about half the height of an adult SilkWing. Rosie is learning to fly better, and loves it. Rosie is the kind of dragon that would never hurt anybody because she doesn’t understand how to; again, because she is very naïve and doesn’t understand certain social cues. Rosie could easily be hurt, but most dragons don’t dare hurt her, as she is seen and treated as a baby. Sometimes it gets on her nerves, but she dismisses it because she knows they’re just trying to be kind.

Rosie has a pet earthworm she likes to call Dirt. Dirt dies a lot, and the original Dirt has been replaced with a new “Dirt” every time “Dirt” dies. Her parents don’t have the heart to tell her that her pet dies.


She was given to the HiveWing family as a gift many years ago before she could remember her original parents. Unlike most HiveWing servant standards, Rosie is still a servant and is treated that way in Public, but at home in private, her family treats her just like their very own daughter.

Rosie doesn’t get out of her house much except to go to school. She always goes with her owners, except when they leave her home alone sometimes. She is allowed to go outside, but never to any market areas alone. She is very much so shielded from the outside world, and in turn, it makes her overwhelmingly naïve. She’s not stupid, but rather oblivious to certain standards, such as the fact that most SilkWings are treated much more poorly than her. She is the ideal treated perfect rich kid, except she isn’t snooty or snobby at all.

Rosie is just getting familiar with the idea of violence, after being taken out to the Glitter Bazaar once and seeing a HiveWing get taken down by a Hivemind command. Her owners have gotten all Hive commands before, but she never knew why; after seeing this, she finally understood and a lot of things previously unknown are starting to click.

Rosie goes to school, and a lot of dragons are mean to her and take advantage of her. They trick her into doing things, but she doesn’t realize it. Most dislike her because they assume she’s a snobby rich child. Rosie has one friend, a nice male HiveWing student who sits next to her.






Rosie is a small, petite SilkWing dragonet who has just obtained her wings. She is a soft baby pink color, with an equally soft yellow underbelly, and normal bright yellow markings on different parts of her body. Rosie’s wings are small just like her. The top set is pink, with yellow markings, and a white background marking. The lower set is white with one big pink spot in the middle. Rosie has a small silver horn ring on her left horn, and she wears a bright yellow coat that was given to her as a hatching day gift from her owners. Rosie’s eyes are a beautiful sky blue.

Rosie has a kind and plaintive voice. Her voice claim is Bia from Rio 2.

Design Notes

  • The fluffy around her neck is a giant yellow dyed neck warmer..
  • She wears jewlery often.
  • Very small! Her wings haven't come out yet.
