


3 years, 11 months ago


He was traded to me in exchange for tacos. LOL!


Hiero is a Novaden who appears to be the strangest of the bunch constantly breaking the Nova norm. Though, he still tried his best to fit expectations always living alone and away from society. 


• Hiero is born from a star (need to look up which kind later)

• He resides with Tyrus.

• He is curious about everything and anything.

• When he was little, he tried to reunite with his parents, much to his surprise, they now viewed him as a threat. Because of this, his father attacked him violently, causing him to lose an eye. Eventually his mother recognized it as their child and convinced the dad to stop. Though.. she didn't seem to care about Hiero in the slightest and refused to give him aid besides the mercy to live an other day. 

• since then Hiero tries his best to confirm to his species expectations of how they should behave and lived the past 30 or so years on his own, traveling from planet to planet staying solitary. It wasn't until he found a device that allowed him contact with some inhabitants of Hathren. He had no plans to visit initially but decided to go there to commit murder, though he ultimately failed. 

• He decided to stay on the planet despite it being hard to breathe there. Eventually met up with Tyrus and became his companion, something Hiero had always longed for. 

• Eventually finding out that Tyrus had similar goals and wants from a companion, Hiero decided to ask Tyrus if he could court him, which was initially refused until nearly a year later when Tyrus finally said yes.

• The "Fluff" on their coat is used as a mane of sorts and shows off their strength and hunting abilities, if one of their kind has a small or patchy fluff, they're likely terrible at survival skills and or have lost fights recently.