(unnamed)'s Comments

Are both up for offer?

Yeah, indeed!! In fact, I'd prefer them to stay together uvu

I'm slightly tentative with these two tho, as I am attached to them, I just never found a use for the two!

Well I was more liking the one on the right. Do you have any estimate (in points) of what you think it might cost? (if its ok that is!)

Aaaa I actually am not allowed to sell these two, as I received them as free MYOs back when the species was first released. (Which Asheds designed for me for free!!)

Hypothetically speaking, if I was allowed to sell them, I would ask for 10$/1000p each. Both of them are Asheds-made and have rare traits. uvu I could trade them, tho, and am slightly less attatched to the one you're keen on, but I'd be picky, sorry about that!!

I don't have any rare closed species or whatever to trade but if you see anything in my folders you like maybe we could arrange something. Thanks for telling me.

I didn't see anyone I liked, sorry ;v;''

I'd definitely trade the Yipper for you if you'd manage to get Joey for me from here, tho!! http://fav.me/daz30hp

5 Replies