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Aaaa I actually am not allowed to sell these two, as I received them as free MYOs back when the species was first released. (Which Asheds designed for me for free!!)

Hypothetically speaking, if I was allowed to sell them, I would ask for 10$/1000p each. Both of them are Asheds-made and have rare traits. uvu I could trade them, tho, and am slightly less attatched to the one you're keen on, but I'd be picky, sorry about that!!

I don't have any rare closed species or whatever to trade but if you see anything in my folders you like maybe we could arrange something. Thanks for telling me.

I didn't see anyone I liked, sorry ;v;''

I'd definitely trade the Yipper for you if you'd manage to get Joey for me from here, tho!!

Really? not even in my hard to get folder? wow, sorry to hear that. I asked for a trade for joey for ya but no reply yet.

Yeah haha, I'm quite picky nowadays, as I am trying to break out of my hoarding habit, sorry about that ;v;'' I think dezline is only looking for money offers higher than 10$, but thanks for trying tho!!

I actually have no money on my computer, no paypal or anything, so sorry...

2 Replies