kellyn parfe.



3 years, 11 months ago


kellyn parfe | 16 | he/they



kellyn is an anxious and easily unnerved teenager. he often lets others speak over him, or for him, and rarely speaks up for himself. kellyn often falls into a follower role rather than a leadership role, even if they feel they might have a better idea, though they're trying to work on confidence. he hates being alone, and often sticks closer to vesper's side than his younger sibling, goldie. does.

kellyn is currently an older brother to seven year oldgoldie and the pair were adopted by vesper two years ago. the three of them currently live in the semi-private houlyr community outside of erydon city. they're still a little shy around the houlyr family- it seems like there's hundreds of them- but the hulyr's never seem to mind. kellyn is unlikely to admit it outloud, but he loves the idea of such a large family still being so close.

kellyn's magic presents externally and in their appearance. kellyn has semi-aquatic abilities as well as an ability somewhat similar to an eletric eel(though not exactly). kellyn can create an electric charge that is transferred by contact when kellyn touches something. kellyn can also create a conductive slime with his hands- not exactly a teenage dream to be the slime kid. kellyn can stay underwater for up to an hour, and swims very well. kellyn has webbed hands and feet, as well as gills (they are not large nor effective enough to allow permanent underwater living.)


kellyn is around five foot six, though they often slouch so they seem shorter. he has small, semi-functional gills on his neck, though kellyn often covers them up with turtlenecks, hoodies, ect. he has webbed hands and feet. kellyn is white with no visible birthmarks, scars, or freckles, though their ears are pierced. his hair is dark brown and fairly flat, though it gets wavy towards the ends. his eyes are a golden-yellow.


  • kellyn attends online counselling once a week.
  • kellyn enjoys eating raw fish, and sometimes shows off his fishing skills to the many houlyr kids whenever they go to the river.
  • kellyn hasn't admitted it yet, but he wants to call vesper dad. they're worried he doesn't want them to, so he hasn't yet.
  • kellyn wants to be a marine biologist, but doesn't feel confident enough in his abilities to pursue the idea.
  • Pellentesque bibendum posuere ipsum, et pellentesque ipsum eleifend eget. Phasellus pretium odio eu erat dictum faucibus.
  • Ut interdum felis at metus blandit, id ultrices arcu sollicitudin. Ut leo ex, pretium a ipsum quis, blandit pellentesque arcu.
  • raw, freshly caught fish. raw fish from a store is okay, but it's not as good as something he's caught himself.
  • swimming during rainstorms (not thunderstorms!)
  • yes
  • yes
  • yes
  • travelling, or long car rides. kellyn gets motion sick easily.
  • strawberries (allergic)
  • no
  • no
  • no

"homesick ghosts keep you awake. call mom. xx"



kellyn's parents were a pair never married, and truthfully, kellyn was likely a result of an accidental fling. his parent struggled raising him, having not accounted for a child in their life, but tried nonetheless. he doesn't remember much of his first five years- he remembers bits and pieces. excitement over a small chocolate cake from the gas station with a four candle, seeing more of their elderl neighbor than his parent, and then the day he left. a train accident left many injured and dead, and kellyn's parent unfortunately fell into the latter group.

with no family able to take him in (his other parent was never officially declared, and his parent had been a single child to two deceased elderly people in another country), kellyn fell to the erydon foster system. kellyn was a very quiet child, and never quite picked up by anyone. he actually shied away from visitors, even once hiding in a koi pond. as kellyn neared ten years old, his anxiety and fears affected his abilities which often surged without control.

suddenly, someone declared they'd found placement for kellyn- a young person they'd known from a youth-mentorship program. he had a unique ability in which he actually stablized other people's magic, and would hopefully help with kellyn. kellyn was scared at first, but actually very quickly bonded with vesper, and would always tell his workers how much he loved being with vesper. kellyn felt guilty when vesper dropped out of college, but vesper frequently assured him it was unrelated. two years later, another was added into the family of two- a sickly three year old named goldie.

originally, kellyn was worried about the new addition. however, as he got to know goldie, he grew attached to the toddler as well, often proudly calling her his sister. when a doctor suggested they move for goldie's health, kellyn was nervous he'd be left behind, but vesper promised that'd never happen. the three of them moved to the houlyr community outside of erydon city. two years passed, and both kellyn and goldie dramatically improved, and then vesper revealed something to the two. he asked if they would agree to being adopted by her. both agreed instantly.

present day

kellyn, now sixteen years old, lives with his parent, vesper (twenty-seven), and his younger sister, goldie (seven) in the houlyr community. the teen had grown in confidence and security, though they still have struggles. they're making efforts though, much to the pride of vesper. kellyn even sometimes hangs out with the houlyr teens their age, and help around the community.

vesper vesper is kellyn's foster-turned-adoptive parent, and kellyn's grown extremely close to him. he appreciates the gentle nudging, and he honestly wants to make vesper proud of him (which vesper already is). sometimes his anxiety gets the better of him though, and he worries that he forced vesper to put his life on hold, which vesper always puts to rest.

goldie goldie is kellyn's younger adopted sister, and kellyn adores her, even if she's crazy high-energy and wears him down easy. kellyn's pretty amazed at how much energy and spunk goldie can have, even with everything she's dealing with, and he often tells her that she's pretty inspiring. sometimes it goes to her head though.

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Name Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum.

Name Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros.

Name Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus.