Basic Info



Name Meaning

Atalanta - A Greek name meaning "Equal in Weight" derived from "atalantos" meaning "a scale, a balance", this name was also used in a myth about a huntress who swore never to marry (until she was defeated in a foot race), and had been rescued by a bear after her father had abandoned her and later raised by hunters.


The twins call her "Denmother" sometimes, though she is infamously called "The Bitch of Bauve" (she had been hired by the Duke of Bauve to fetch a valuable sword but she never returned with it despite finding it and kept the sword for herself)


Unknown (It is only known that she is older than the twins, Parthraxus and Noel)


Female (Though she has the same dragon genes running through her, she developed quite the bust and has since then been considered of female sex and she prefers female pronouns)




N/A (Beautiful Oneesan trait, military theme?)


Lawful Evil/Neutral (Follows the twins alignment, of evil or neutral)

Personality Highlights

Strict | Domineering | Loyal (selective) | Kind towards the twins | Ruthless towards anyone else | Generous when pleased | Frugal | Quirky | Manipulative | Sadistic


Former Bounty Hunter/Caretaker/Bodyguard | Current Mafia Leader


Fighter - "Samurai Archtype"


[Coming Soon]


Self-proclaimed mother of Theus and Pan, she acts as the bodyguard and caretaker of them, having a very motherly/older sisterly relationship with them (but after she gets separated, she still finds time to visit); Noel's (possible) love interest and older sister


[Coming Soon]

Acquired Through



The Deep Dragon who created the twins, Theus and Pan, also created her. She was created prior to the twins, but she was considered an imperfect specimen and thus left to sleep in cryostasis until the dragon felt she was of use. It was when the Mist Dragon had kidnapped the twins that she was awoken to go hunt them down. She was tasked due to her combative prowess and enhanced physical skills over all the other clones before her. Her keen senses (especially in smell and sight), were also a key factor in choosing her for the job.

Atalanta had no issues with quickly tracking down the twins. However, upon first meeting them she immediately felt a maternal bond and her desire to protect them began to well up within her. She decided not to take them back to the Deep Dragon and has since then been living with the twins as a sort of caretaker and bodyguard.

It was when the Deep Dragon came to find her that things changed. She had found out the reason behind Noel's creation having been to track the three Aracalies that had "escaped" from their creator, but now that he had new plans he asked for her assistance. After Noel had secretly been working on the domination of a new world that her brothers, sisters and father could live in, the Deep Dragon had made the decision to spread his creations to the other worlds to pursuit this goal. What he asked of Atalanta was to progress this endeavor by traveling to one of the other worlds to take control of it. Much to the twin's and Atalanta's dismay that would mean they would be separated until the deed had been accomplished. However, with a heavy heart she agreed and promised the twins she would visit often and thus she parted ways with them.

Like her sister, Noel, the skills she had been given as a hunter proved incredibly useful and she was able to easily take over a position of power among the world. The world of choice for her was the undead infested lands of Vesulveer where chaos and the uprising of constant threat to dying from zombies and skeletons was ever present. Until the death of each and everyone of the undead, Atalanta considered it unsafe for her family members to travel and live here so she had her work cut out for her. Even so, she was determined and what better way than to create tools for her purpose, those tools becoming the creatures living here trying to survive in the madness. She would provide weapons, and they would become the exterminators. She had easy access to as many weapons as she needed after her take over of a powerful mafia that called themselves "Violi" after the Violin Spider (a Mediteranean Recluse Spider). She now weaves a web of weapon peddling and eagerly awaits the day when she will conquer and create a suitable home for her family.


🕷️ She is intensely stern and rigid but if you manage to please her she is also very rewarding. While she is very loyal, her loyalty can be swayed like it was for the twins versus their creator. Though no bond will go deeper with her than the twins because for her they seem to have the same blood as she has. She did not feel this same connection with the Deep Dragon and thus in her own words, "blood is thicker than water," she made the decision to abandon her task.

🕷️ The contracts she followed regarding bounty hunts were sometimes very ridiculous because she would make loopholes to ensure that she stayed on top and always benefited from them. She can be very underhanded but allows her employer to always see the contract and it is there own fault, in her eyes, if they choose to agree to the terms. She also tends to connect several contracts all at once almost so much that they can form a sort of "web" in a way... (It is actually unclear if she has abandoned her bounty hunting lifestyle yet)


