Wild - Bartheleme



7 years, 4 months ago



"The swamp antagonist."


Bartheleme is an antagonistic Coadle that can travel between E.U. and Plumeria. He is an antagonist who enjoys tormenting and killing. The magic provided by his mage companion allows him to do quite a bit of damage in the E.U. world. However, the magic has little to no effect in Plumeria, and he must rely on his own skill and tricks to lure in and catch prey. He is affiliated with the Wendigo, and leaves 'snacks' for him whenever he can. Be weary if you ever come across this Coadle. He kills creatures from rabbits to dragons....

【 Name 】 Bartheleme 【 Alias 】 Barth
【 Gender 】 Male 【 Type 】 Coadle
【 Age 】 Adult / 500 【 D.o.B. 】 content
【 Location 】 The Black Swamp (E.U.), Wendigo colony (Plumeria) 【 Origin 】 The Black Swamp (E.U.)
【 Companion 】 Malfalla - The Swamp Witch 【 Powers 】 Only simple tricks in Plumeria.
In his world, he has human-enabled spells that he can use to help him take down his prey. This magic has no effect in Plumeria.
【 Role 】 what they do 【 Theme 】 When You're Evil

【 Charisma 】
【 Kindness 】
【 Temper 】
【 Integrity 】
【 Intelligence 】
【 Judgement 】
【 Maturity 】
【 Humor 】

【 Theme 】 Witchdoctor Swamp Gator 【 Affiliation 】 Wendigo
【 Build 】 content 【 Body 】 content
【 Mask 】 Common mask; skull-like markings. 【 Crest 】 Three even crests.
【 Silk 】 Glittery light green 【 Clay 】 "Bumpy", giving a slight impression of crocodile scales.
【 Limbs 】 content 【 Tail 】 Common
【 Ears 】 Common 【 Teeth 】 White.
【 Eyes 】 Yellow and gold. 【 Bones 】 White
【 Fire 】 Liquid; Orange and yellow. 【 Feelers 】 None.
【 Misc Additions 】 Red and white paint markings on his body to give a more 'tribal' look 【 Added Traits 】 content

【 Attack 】
【 Defense 】
【 Intelligence 】
【 Speed 】
【 Fire 】

【 Magic 】 None 【 Accessories 】 HERE
【 Charges 】 here 【 Extra 】 here
【 Extra 】 HERE 【 Extra 】 HERE

here's an extra box to use for whatever you want. moodboard, preferences, skills, history, etc.


Character Name

[ relationship ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.


Character Name

[ relationship ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.


Character Name

[ relationship ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.
