


3 years, 10 months ago


Basic Information

Name- Splashheart

Gender- Agender(he/they)

Age- TBA

Sexuality- Pansexual/panromantic

Clan- TBA


Personality- Splashheart is a very sweet, affectionate, very friendly and timid little cat- he's not easily intimidated but when meeting the first few times, after that, he's ready to be best friends. He is very social, adores listening over talking but if you can get him talking, he's a big time rambler and conspiracy theorist. He can be overwhelmingly silly and spontaneous but he knows too when its time to get serious, the switch in his
Five good- Friendly, affectionate, empathetic, spontaneous, reliable
Five Neutral- Absent minded, emotional, familial, unaggressive, questioning
Five bad- Childish, envious, impulsive, Naive, timid


Breed- Turkish Angora mutt(mix of several cats)

Body Structure- Lithe, not much muscle, lanky and fairly small

Height- TBA

Pelt Color- Base coat white with partial black splash over left side and fully black tail

Pelt Length- Fur is mostly short until tail; tail is his pelts longest fur, feathery and soft

Eye Color- Sapphire blue

Scars/Injuries- No scars or injuries visible


Family- None

Mate- None

Crush- None

Kits- None


Mentor (Past Mentor)- None

Apprentice- None

Friends- None

Enemies- None


Battling 4/10

Hunting 10/10

Agility 7/10

Stamina 7/10

Defense 4/10

Loyalty 10/10

Trust 1/10

Climbing 1/10

Fishing 7/10

Leadership 2/10

Faith 2/10




Voice claim- Robby from Cavetown(very soft, gentle voice); Splashpaw doesn't really talk loudly at all, his natural tone flows softly and smooth. 


Likes- Birds(primarily Blue Jays), collecting feathers, going on hunts with friends, going to clan meetings(they love meeting new cats!), leaf-fall time(the trees are so pretty and all the scents are so wonderful), sunbathing, grooming with the queens or elders, helping out however he can, fishing in the stream(doesn't mind getting his fur a little drenched), helping the medicine cats find herbs

Dislikes- The extreme cold and unrelenting snows in leaf-bare, arguing with anyone, times of crisis, clan battles, feral/hunting dogs, climbing, not the biggest fan of Starclan, foxes, 

Strengths- Splashpaw is full of hope and wonder and the friendliest little cat, his willingness to befriend and trust is his greatest strength

Weaknesses- His trust is his greatest weakness too; he's too trusting in even the wrong people, he's emotional
