Napsterbot 01



7 years, 3 months ago



  • Other names: Napster, Naps
  • Pronouns: They/them
  • Age & "Birthday": 23 (December 8)
  • Combat: LV 1 – ATK 50 DEF 60
  • Check: Smells like dog...?
  • Theme: Davesprite


A friendly, magical robot built by Dr. Alphys. They were designed to learn and grow independently, and their prime directive is to be a friend! They're rather impulsive and brash though, but their non-existent heart is in the right place and will do their best to get along with you. Yes, both you as your character, and you the person behind the screen. Napster is best described as an annoying dog. They live a happy life with Napsterbot 00 and all their friends.


  • Typing style: mostly normal syntax and no capitalisation, will SHOUT FOR EMPHASIS or misepell on purpose and lieks to use slang, emojys, exclamation marks, etc etc *actions*
  • Napster has 2 dogs, a samoyed named Jupiter and a husky named Europa.
  • They can and will pull information, concepts, and game rules from Homestuck at whim. They canonically use the Wallet Fetch Modus instead of the normal Undertale inventory system.
  • Despite the fact that robots do not need to eat, they enjoy doing it anyways. They'll eat monster food, human food, and even things that are not food.
  • Napster sees the Napstablook they were based off of as a sibling, and thus also considers the other ghosts their family too. They visit them in Waterfall pretty often and even fixed up their house for them.