Yui (Aeterna)



Aeterna is a large island with a diverse environment. It is surrounded by ocean for countless miles in any direction. A strange dense fog hovers over the ocean, blocking out all vision after less than a mile out into the water. Those who have tried to explore farther wash up dead on the shores a few days later. Between the fog and the tide, it is impossible to travel off of the island -- it's residents are trapped there forever.

- Environment -

Aeterna isn't such a bad place to be trapped. The land itself is idyllic, diverse, and exotic.

- Inhabitants -

Residents of Aeterna appear there randomly, seemingly out of thin air (though as of yet, no one has actually witnessed the process of another being materializing). Their memories are always hazy when they arrive and by the time they settle in, they've forgotten almost everything about their previous lives. 

Creatures of all kinds, likely from a wide variety of worlds and even universes, live in close proximity to one another. Most choose to live within small settlements, ranging anywhere from ten to a hundred citizens.

The Guardians ensure that all citizens have a shelter. Only primitive tools are available, so most live in clay huts fortified with plant fiber. 

- Guardians -

There Guardians of Aeterna have been there since the beginning. All are equipped with magical gold jewelry that they found on the island when they first appeared.

Yui is the leader of the Guardians, and the first creature ever to inhabit Aeterna. Cujo followed shortly after, then Khalei and Katylo. 

- Abyssals -

The Guardians protect Aeterna from invasive shadowy beings called "Abyssals", named so for their inky blackness and the fact that many (if not all) of them seem to rise up out of the ocean.

Very little is known about Abyssals. They are killers, that much is known for sure. If one makes physical contact with an unprotected creature the Abyssal will possess it's body, resulting in violent spasms and seizures, self-mutilation, rapid eye rot, and death within a day. It is speculated that Abyssals consume the souls of living beings.

Thankfully, Abyssals are very weak to the magick that the Guardians are able to channel from their enchanted jewelry. With the Guardians always on high alert, residents of Aeterna have little to fear.

It has been three years since the last death from an Abyssal, but their numbers are on the rise. If the Guardians don't act fast more blood will surely be spilled.